@@ -382,30 +382,70 @@ TestCase subclass: #CollectionTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
package: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!CollectionTest methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!CollectionTest methodsFor: 'convenience'!
+assertSameContents: aCollection as: anotherCollection
+ self assert: (aCollection size = anotherCollection size).
+ aCollection do: [ :each |
+ self assert: ((aCollection occurrencesOf: each) = (anotherCollection occurrencesOf: each)) ]
+! !
+!CollectionTest methodsFor: 'fixture'!
- ^ self collectionClass withAll: self defaultValues
+ "Answers pre-filled collection of type tested."
+ self subclassResponsibility
+ "Answers class of collection type tested"
^ self class collectionClass
+ "Answers self collection but with values
+ changed to their printStrings"
+ self subclassResponsibility
+ "Answers size of self collection."
+ self subclassResponsibility
- ^ self collectionClass withAll: #('a' 'b' 'c' 1 2 1 'a')
+ "Answers pre-filled collection of type tested,
+ with exactly five distinct elements,
+ some of them appearing multiple times, if possible."
+ self subclassResponsibility
- ^ #(1 2 3 -4)
-! !
+ "Answers a collection which shows how
+ self collection would look after adding
+ self sampleNewValue"
+ self subclassResponsibility
-!CollectionTest methodsFor: 'convenience'!
+ "Answers a value that is not yet there
+ and can be put into a tested collection"
+ ^ 'N'
-assertSameContents: aCollection as: anotherCollection
- self assert: (aCollection size = anotherCollection size).
- aCollection do: [ :each |
- self assert: ((aCollection occurrencesOf: each) = (anotherCollection occurrencesOf: each)) ]
+ "Answers self sampleNewValue
+ wrapped in single element collection
+ of tested type"
+ ^ self collectionClass with: self sampleNewValue
! !
!CollectionTest methodsFor: 'testing'!
@@ -416,6 +456,14 @@ isCollectionReadOnly
!CollectionTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+ self assert: (self collection addAll: self collectionClass new; yourself) equals: self collection.
+ self assert: (self collectionClass new addAll: self collection; yourself) equals: self collection.
+ self assert: (self collectionClass new addAll: self collectionClass new; yourself) equals: self collectionClass new.
+ self assert: (self collection addAll: self sampleNewValueAsCollection; yourself) equals: self collectionWithNewValue.
+ self assertSameContents: (self sampleNewValueAsCollection addAll: self collection; yourself) as: self collectionWithNewValue
| collection anyOne |
collection := self collection.
@@ -458,21 +506,45 @@ testAsSet
- | newCollection |
- newCollection := #(1 2 3 4).
- self
- assertSameContents: (self collection collect: [ :each |
- each abs ])
- as: newCollection
+ self assert: (self collection collect: [ :each | each ]) equals: self collection.
+ self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue collect: [ :each | each ]) equals: self collectionWithNewValue.
+ self assert: (self collectionClass new collect: [ :each | each printString ]) equals: self collectionClass new.
+ self assert: ((self collection collect: [ self sampleNewValue ]) detect: [ true ]) equals: self sampleNewValue.
+ self assert: (self collection collect: [ :each | each printString ]) equals: self collectionOfPrintStrings
+ self assert: self collection, self collectionClass new equals: self collection.
+ self assert: self collectionClass new, self collection equals: self collection.
+ self assert: self collectionClass new, self collectionClass new equals: self collectionClass new.
+ self assert: self collection, self sampleNewValueAsCollection equals: self collectionWithNewValue.
+ self assertSameContents: self sampleNewValueAsCollection, self collection as: self collectionWithNewValue
- self assert: (self collection detect: [ :each | each < 0 ]) equals: -4.
- should: [ self collection detect: [ :each | each = 6 ] ]
+ shouldnt: [ self collection detect: [ true ] ]
+ raise: Error.
+ self
+ should: [ self collection detect: [ false ] ]
+ raise: Error.
+ self assert: (self sampleNewValueAsCollection detect: [ true ]) equals: self sampleNewValue.
+ self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue detect: [ :each | each = self sampleNewValue ]) equals: self sampleNewValue.
+ self
+ should: [ self collection detect: [ :each | each = self sampleNewValue ] ]
raise: Error
+ | sentinel |
+ sentinel := Object new.
+ self assert: (self collection detect: [ true ] ifNone: [ sentinel ]) ~= sentinel.
+ self assert: (self collection detect: [ false ] ifNone: [ sentinel ]) equals: sentinel.
+ self assert: (self sampleNewValueAsCollection detect: [ true ] ifNone: [ sentinel ]) equals: self sampleNewValue.
+ self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue detect: [ :each | each = self sampleNewValue ] ifNone: [ sentinel ]) equals: self sampleNewValue.
+ self assert: (self collection detect: [ :each | each = self sampleNewValue ] ifNone: [ sentinel ]) equals: sentinel
| newCollection |
newCollection := OrderedCollection new.
@@ -480,6 +552,12 @@ testDo
newCollection add: each ].
assertSameContents: self collection
+ as: newCollection.
+ newCollection := OrderedCollection new.
+ self collectionWithDuplicates do: [ :each |
+ newCollection add: each ].
+ self
+ assertSameContents: self collectionWithDuplicates
as: newCollection
@@ -514,22 +592,26 @@ testRemoveAll
- | newCollection |
- newCollection := #(2 -4).
- self
- assertSameContents: (self collection select: [ :each |
- each even ])
- as: newCollection
+ self assert: (self collection select: [ false ]) equals: self collectionClass new.
+ self assert: (self collection select: [ true ]) equals: self collection.
+ self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue select: [ :each | each = self sampleNewValue ]) equals: self sampleNewValueAsCollection.
+ self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue select: [ :each | each ~= self sampleNewValue ]) equals: self collection.
+ self assert: (self collection select: [ :each | each = self sampleNewValue ]) equals: self collectionClass new.
+ self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue select: [ :each | each ~= self sampleNewValue ]) equals: self collection
self assert: self collectionClass new size equals: 0.
- self assert: self collection size equals: 4
+ self assert: self sampleNewValueAsCollection size equals: 1.
+ self assert: self collection size equals: self collectionSize
! !
-!CollectionTest class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!CollectionTest class methodsFor: 'fixture'!
+ "Answers class of collection type tested,
+ or nil if test is abstract"
^ nil
! !
@@ -543,21 +625,94 @@ CollectionTest subclass: #IndexableCollectionTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
package: 'Kernel-Tests'!
+!IndexableCollectionTest methodsFor: 'fixture'!
+ "Answers a collection which shows how
+ self collection would look after adding
+ self sampleNewValue at self sampleNewIndex"
+ self subclassResponsibility
+ "Answers a value that can be used as index in at:put: or at:ifAbsentPut:"
+ self subclassResponsibility
+sampleNonIndexesDo: aBlock
+ "Executes block a few times,
+ each time passing value that is known
+ not to be an index, as the first parameter"
+ self subclassResponsibility
+samplesDo: aBlock
+ "Executes block a few times,
+ each time passing known index and value stored
+ under that index as the parameters"
+ self subclassResponsibility
+! !
!IndexableCollectionTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
- self assert: (self collection at: 4) equals: -4.
- self should: [ self collection at: 5 ] raise: Error
+ self nonIndexesDo: [ :each |
+ self should: [ self collection at: each ] raise: Error ].
+ self samplesDo: [ :index :value |
+ self assert: (self collection at: index) equals: value ]
- self assert: (self collection at: (self collection size + 1) ifAbsent: [ 'none' ]) equals: 'none'
+ self nonIndexesDo: [ :each |
+ self assert: (self collection at: each ifAbsent: [ self sampleNewValue ]) equals: self sampleNewValue ].
+ self samplesDo: [ :index :value |
+ self assert: (self collection at: index ifAbsent: [ self sampleNewValue ]) equals: value ].
+ | visited sentinel |
+ sentinel := Object new.
+ self nonIndexesDo: [ :each |
+ visited := nil.
+ self assert: (self collection at: each ifPresent: [ :value1 | visited := value1. sentinel ]) equals: nil.
+ self assert: visited isNil ].
+ self samplesDo: [ :index :value |
+ visited := nil.
+ self assert: (self collection at: index ifPresent: [ :value2 | visited := value2. sentinel ]) equals: sentinel.
+ self assert: visited equals: (self collection at: index) ]
+ | visited sentinel |
+ sentinel := Object new.
+ self nonIndexesDo: [ :each |
+ visited := nil.
+ self assert: (self collection at: each ifPresent: [ :value1 | visited := value1. sentinel ] ifAbsent: [ self sampleNewValue ] ) equals: self sampleNewValue.
+ self assert: visited isNil ].
+ self samplesDo: [ :index :value |
+ visited := nil.
+ self assert: (self collection at: index ifPresent: [ :value2 | visited := value2. sentinel ] ifAbsent: [ self sampleNewValue ]) equals: sentinel.
+ self assert: visited equals: (self collection at: index) ]
+ | newCollection |
+ newCollection := self collection.
+ self samplesDo: [ :index :value |
+ newCollection at: index put: value ].
+ self assert: newCollection equals: self collection.
+ newCollection at: self sampleNewIndex put: self sampleNewValue.
+ self assert: newCollection equals: self collectionWithNewValue
- self assert: (self collection indexOf: 2) equals: 2.
- self should: [ self collection indexOf: 999 ] raise: Error.
- self assert: (self collection indexOf: 999 ifAbsent: [ 'sentinel' ]) equals: 'sentinel'
+ self should: [ self collection indexOf: self sampleNewValue ] raise: Error.
+ self samplesDo: [ :index :value |
+ self assert: (self collection indexOf: value) equals: index ]
@@ -572,25 +727,60 @@ IndexableCollectionTest subclass: #HashedCollectionTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
package: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!HashedCollectionTest methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!HashedCollectionTest methodsFor: 'fixture'!
^ #{ 'b' -> 1. 'a' -> 2. 'c' -> 3. 'd' -> -4 }
+ ^ #{ 'b' -> '1'. 'a' -> '2'. 'c' -> '3'. 'd' -> '-4' }
+ ^ 4
^ #{ 'b' -> 1. 'a' -> 2. 'c' -> 3. 'd' -> -4. 'e' -> 1. 'f' -> 2. 'g' -> 10 }
+ ^ #{ 'b' -> 1. 'a' -> 2. 'c' -> 3. 'd' -> -4. 'new' -> 'N' }
+nonIndexesDo: aBlock
+ aBlock value: 5.
+ aBlock value: 'z'
+ ^ 'new'
+ ^ #{ 'new' -> 'N' }
+samplesDo: aBlock
+ aBlock value: 'a' value: 2
! !
!HashedCollectionTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+ super testAddAll.
+ self assert: (self collection addAll: self collection; yourself) equals: self collection.
+ self assert: (self collection addAll: self collectionWithNewValue; yourself) equals: self collectionWithNewValue.
+ self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue addAll: self collection; yourself) equals: self collectionWithNewValue
self assert: ( self collectionClass new asDictionary isMemberOf: Dictionary ).
- self assert: (self collection at: 'a') equals: 2.
- self should: [ self collection at: 5 ] raise: Error
+ self should: [ self collection, self collection ] raise: Error
@@ -600,12 +790,6 @@ associations := { 'a' -> 1. 'b' -> 2 }.
self assertSameContents: ( self class collectionClass from: associations ) as: #{ 'a' -> 1. 'b' -> 2 }.
- self assert: (self collection indexOf: 2) equals: 'a'.
- self should: [ self collection indexOf: 999 ] raise: Error.
- self assert: (self collection indexOf: 999 ifAbsent: [ 'sentinel' ]) equals: 'sentinel'
"Accept an array in which all odd indexes are keys and evens are values."
| flattenedAssociations |
@@ -613,7 +797,7 @@ flattenedAssociations := { 'a'. 1. 'b'. 2 }.
self assertSameContents: ( self class collectionClass newFromPairs: flattenedAssociations ) as: #{ 'a' -> 1. 'b' -> 2 }.
! !
-!HashedCollectionTest class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!HashedCollectionTest class methodsFor: 'fixture'!
^ HashedCollection
@@ -623,17 +807,30 @@ HashedCollectionTest subclass: #DictionaryTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
package: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!DictionaryTest methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!DictionaryTest methodsFor: 'fixture'!
^ Dictionary new
at: 1 put: 1;
at: 'a' put: 2;
at: true put: 3;
- at: 4 put: -4;
+ at: 1@3 put: -4;
+ yourself
+ ^ Dictionary new
+ at: 1 put: '1';
+ at: 'a' put: '2';
+ at: true put: '3';
+ at: 1@3 put: '-4';
+ ^ 4
^ Dictionary new
at: 1 put: 1;
@@ -644,6 +841,28 @@ collectionWithDuplicates
at: 3 put: 3;
at: false put: 12;
+ ^ Dictionary new
+ at: 1 put: 1;
+ at: 'a' put: 2;
+ at: true put: 3;
+ at: 1@3 put: -4;
+ at: 'new' put: 'N';
+ yourself
+ ^ Dictionary new
+ at: 'new' put: 'N';
+ yourself
+samplesDo: aBlock
+ super samplesDo: aBlock.
+ aBlock value: true value: 3.
+ aBlock value: 1@3 value: -4
! !
!DictionaryTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
@@ -698,44 +917,6 @@ testEquality
self deny: d1 = d2.
- | d visited |
- visited := false.
- d := Dictionary new.
- d at: 'hello' ifAbsent: [ visited := true ].
- self assert: visited.
- | d visited absent |
- visited := false.
- d := Dictionary new.
- d at: 'hello' put: 'world'.
- d at: 'hello' ifPresent: [ :value | visited := value ].
- self assert: visited equals: 'world'.
- absent := d at: 'bye' ifPresent: [ :value | visited := value ].
- self assert: absent isNil.
- | d visited |
- visited := false.
- d := Dictionary new.
- d at: 'hello' put: 'world'.
- d at: 'hello' ifPresent: [ :value | visited := value ] ifAbsent: [ visited := true ].
- self assert: visited equals: 'world'.
- d at: 'buy' ifPresent: [ :value | visited := value ] ifAbsent: [ visited := true ].
- self assert: visited.
| d |
@@ -806,19 +987,6 @@ testRemoveKeyIfAbsent
self assert: (d removeKey: key ifAbsent: [ 42 ] ) equals: 42.
- | d |
- d := Dictionary new.
- self assert: d size equals: 0.
- d at: 1 put: 2.
- self assert: d size equals: 1.
- d at: 2 put: 3.
- self assert: d size equals: 2.
| d |
@@ -830,7 +998,7 @@ testValues
self assert: d values equals: #(2 3 4)
! !
-!DictionaryTest class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!DictionaryTest class methodsFor: 'fixture'!
^ Dictionary
@@ -840,26 +1008,67 @@ IndexableCollectionTest subclass: #SequenceableCollectionTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
package: 'Kernel-Tests'!
+!SequenceableCollectionTest methodsFor: 'fixture'!
+ self subclassResponsibility
+ self subclassResponsibility
+ self subclassResponsibility
+ self subclassResponsibility
+nonIndexesDo: aBlock
+ aBlock value: 0.
+ aBlock value: self collectionSize + 1.
+ aBlock value: 'z'
+samplesDo: aBlock
+ aBlock value: 1 value: self collectionFirst.
+ aBlock value: self collectionSize value: self collectionLast
+! !
!SequenceableCollectionTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
- self assert: (self collection beginsWith: (self collection first: 3)).
- self deny: (self collection beginsWith: (self collection copyFrom: 2 to: 3))
+ self assert: (self collection beginsWith: self collectionClass new).
+ self assert: (self collection beginsWith: self collection).
+ self assert: (self collection beginsWith: self collectionFirstTwo).
+ self deny: (self collection beginsWith: self collectionLastTwo)
- self assert: (self collection endsWith: (self collection last: 3)).
- self deny: (self collection endsWith: (self collection copyFrom: self collection size - 3 to: self collection size - 1))
+ self assert: (self collection endsWith: self collectionClass new).
+ self assert: (self collection endsWith: self collection).
+ self assert: (self collection endsWith: self collectionLastTwo).
+ self deny: (self collection endsWith: self collectionFirstTwo)
- self assert: (self collection first) equals: (self collection at: 1)
+ self assert: self collection first equals: self collectionFirst
- assert: (self collection first: 2)
- equals: (self collection copyFrom: 0 to: 2).
+ assert: (self collection first: 2)
+ equals: self collectionFirstTwo.
+ self
+ assert: (self collection first: 0)
+ equals: self collectionClass new.
+ self
+ assert: (self collection first: self collectionSize)
+ equals: self collection.
self should: [ self collection first: 33 ] raise: Error
@@ -869,14 +1078,22 @@ testFourth
- self assert: (self collection last) equals: (self collection at: self collection size)
+ self assert: self collection last equals: self collectionLast
assert: (self collection last: 2)
- equals: (self collection copyFrom: self collection size -1 to: self collection size).
+ equals: self collectionLastTwo.
+ self
+ assert: (self collection last: 0)
+ equals: self collectionClass new.
+ self
+ assert: (self collection last: self collectionSize)
+ equals: self collection.
self should: [ self collection last: 33 ] raise: Error
@@ -892,6 +1109,53 @@ SequenceableCollectionTest subclass: #ArrayTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
package: 'Kernel-Tests'!
+!ArrayTest methodsFor: 'fixture'!
+ ^ #(1 2 3 -4)
+ ^ 1
+ ^ #(1 2)
+ ^ -4
+ ^ #(3 -4)
+ ^ #('1' '2' '3' '-4')
+ ^ 4
+ ^ #('a' 'b' 'c' 1 2 1 'a')
+ ^ #(1 2 3 -4 'N')
+ ^ 5
+samplesDo: aBlock
+ super samplesDo: aBlock.
+ aBlock value: 3 value: 3.
+! !
!ArrayTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
@@ -906,25 +1170,6 @@ testAddFirst
self assert: (self collection addFirst: 0; yourself) first equals: 0
- | array |
- array := #('hello' 'world').
- self assert: (array at: 1) equals: 'hello'.
- self assert: (array at: 2) equals: 'world'.
- self assert: (array at: 2 ifAbsent: [ 'not found' ]) equals: 'world'.
- self assert: (array at: 0 ifAbsent: [ 'not found' ]) equals: 'not found'.
- self assert: (array at: -10 ifAbsent: [ 'not found' ]) equals: 'not found'.
- self assert: (array at: 3 ifAbsent: [ 'not found' ]) equals: 'not found'.
- self assert: ({1. 2. 3. 4. 5} first: 3) equals: {1. 2. 3}
- self assert: ( '' ifEmpty: [ 'zork' ] ) equals: 'zork'
| array |
array := Array new.
@@ -985,7 +1230,7 @@ testSort
self assert: array equals: #(1 2 3 4 5)
! !
-!ArrayTest class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!ArrayTest class methodsFor: 'fixture'!
^ Array
@@ -995,18 +1240,61 @@ SequenceableCollectionTest subclass: #StringTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
package: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!StringTest methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!StringTest methodsFor: 'fixture'!
^ 'hello'
+ ^ 'h'
+ ^ 'he'
+ ^ 'o'
+ ^ 'lo'
+ ^ '''h''''e''''l''''l''''o'''
+ ^ 5
^ 'abbaerte'
+ ^ 'helloN'
+ ^ 'N'
+samplesDo: aBlock
+ super samplesDo: aBlock.
+ aBlock value: 3 value: 'l'
! !
!StringTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+ "String instances are read-only"
+ self should: [ self collection addAll: self collection ] raise: Error
self should: [ 'hello' add: 'a' ] raise: Error.
self should: [ 'hello' remove: 'h' ] raise: Error
@@ -1038,12 +1326,6 @@ testAsciiValue
self assert: (characterU asciiValue) equals:85
- self assert: ('hello' at: 1) equals: 'h'.
- self assert: ('hello' at: 5) equals: 'o'.
- self assert: ('hello' at: 6 ifAbsent: [ nil ]) equals: nil
"String instances are read-only"
self should: [ 'hello' at: 1 put: 'a' ] raise: Error
@@ -1066,15 +1348,6 @@ testCharCodeAt
self assert: ('jackie' charCodeAt:6) equals: 101
- | newCollection |
- newCollection := 'hheelllloo'.
- self
- assertSameContents: (self collection collect: [ :each |
- each, each ])
- as: newCollection
self assert: ('jackie' copyFrom: 1 to: 3) equals: 'jac'.
self assert: ('jackie' copyFrom: 4 to: 6) equals: 'kie'.
@@ -1086,13 +1359,6 @@ testCopyWithoutAll
equals: 'hello world'
- self assert: (self collection detect: [ :each | each = 'h' ]) equals: 'h'.
- self
- should: [ self collection detect: [ :each | each = 6 ] ]
- raise: Error
self assert: 'hello' equals: 'hello'.
self deny: 'hello' = 'world'.
@@ -1128,12 +1394,6 @@ testIncludesSubString
self deny: ('amber' includesSubString: 'zork').
- self assert: (self collection indexOf: 'e') equals: 2.
- self should: [ self collection indexOf: 999 ] raise: Error.
- self assert: (self collection indexOf: 999 ifAbsent: [ 'sentinel' ]) equals: 'sentinel'
|vowel consonant|
vowel := 'u'.
@@ -1154,20 +1414,6 @@ testReversed
self assert: 'jackiechan' reversed equals: 'nahceikcaj'.
- | newCollection |
- newCollection := 'o'.
- self
- assertSameContents: (self collection select: [ :each |
- each = 'o' ])
- as: newCollection
- self assert: 'smalltalk' size equals: 9.
- self assert: '' size equals: 0
assert: (String streamContents: [ :aStream |
@@ -1186,12 +1432,130 @@ testTrim
self assert: 'jackie ' trimRight equals: 'jackie'.
! !
-!StringTest class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!StringTest class methodsFor: 'fixture'!
^ String
! !
+CollectionTest subclass: #SetTest
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package: 'Kernel-Tests'!
+!SetTest methodsFor: 'fixture'!
+ ^ Set new
+ add: 1;
+ add: 2;
+ add: 3;
+ add: -4;
+ yourself
+ ^ Set new
+ add: '1';
+ add: '2';
+ add: '3';
+ add: '-4';
+ yourself
+ ^ 4
+ "Set has no duplicates"
+ ^ self collection add: 'yet another'; yourself
+ ^ Set new
+ add: 1;
+ add: 2;
+ add: 3;
+ add: 'N';
+ add: -4;
+ yourself
+! !
+!SetTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+ | set |
+ set := Set new.
+ self assert: set isEmpty.
+ set add: 3.
+ self assert: (set includes: 3).
+ set add: 5.
+ self assert: (set includes: 5).
+ set remove: 3.
+ self deny: (set includes: 3)
+ self should: [ Set new at: 1 put: 2 ] raise: Error
+ super testCollect.
+ self assert: (#(5 6 8) asSet collect: [ :x | x \\ 3 ]) equals: #(0 2) asSet
+ self assert: #(0 2) asSet equals: #(0 2) asSet.
+ self assert: #(2 0) asSet equals: #(0 2) asSet.
+ self deny: #(0 2 3) asSet = #(0 2) asSet.
+ self deny: #(1 2) asSet = #(0 2) asSet
+ | set |
+ set := Set new.
+ self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set ()'.
+ set add: 1; add: 3.
+ self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (1 3)'.
+ set add: 'foo'.
+ self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (1 3 ''foo'')'.
+ set remove: 1; remove: 3.
+ self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (''foo'')'.
+ set add: 3.
+ self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (''foo'' 3)'.
+ set add: 3.
+ self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (''foo'' 3)'
+ self assert: {'foo' yourself. 'foo' yourself} asSet asArray equals: #('foo')
+ | set |
+ set := Set new.
+ set add: 21.
+ set add: 'hello'.
+ set add: 21.
+ self assert: set size equals: 2.
+ set add: 'hello'.
+ self assert: set size equals: 2.
+ self assert: set asArray equals: #(21 'hello')
+! !
+!SetTest class methodsFor: 'fixture'!
+ ^ Set
+! !
TestCase subclass: #ConsoleTranscriptTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
package: 'Kernel-Tests'!
@@ -1973,84 +2337,6 @@ textNext
next = current ]
! !
-TestCase subclass: #SetTest
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!SetTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
- | set |
- set := Set new.
- self assert: set isEmpty.
- set add: 3.
- self assert: (set includes: 3).
- set add: 5.
- self assert: (set includes: 5).
- set remove: 3.
- self deny: (set includes: 3)
- self should: [ Set new at: 1 put: 2 ] raise: Error
- self assert: (#(5 6 8) asSet collect: [ :x | x \\ 3 ]) equals: #(0 2) asSet
- self assert: #(0 2) asSet equals: #(0 2) asSet.
- self assert: #(2 0) asSet equals: #(0 2) asSet.
- self deny: #(0 2 3) asSet = #(0 2) asSet.
- self deny: #(1 2) asSet = #(0 2) asSet
- | set |
- set := Set new.
- self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set ()'.
- set add: 1; add: 3.
- self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (1 3)'.
- set add: 'foo'.
- self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (1 3 ''foo'')'.
- set remove: 1; remove: 3.
- self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (''foo'')'.
- set add: 3.
- self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (''foo'' 3)'.
- set add: 3.
- self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (''foo'' 3)'
- self assert: Set new size equals: 0.
- self assert: (Set withAll: #(1 2 3 4)) size equals: 4.
- self assert: (Set withAll: #(1 1 1 1)) size equals: 1
- self assert: {'foo' yourself. 'foo' yourself} asSet asArray equals: #('foo')
- | set |
- set := Set new.
- set add: 21.
- set add: 'hello'.
- set add: 21.
- self assert: set size equals: 2.
- set add: 'hello'.
- self assert: set size equals: 2.
- self assert: set asArray equals: #(21 'hello')
-! !
TestCase subclass: #StreamTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
package: 'Kernel-Tests'!