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Merge pull request #132 from fizfaz/master

issue 113. String>>#asArray returns Array filled with nil
Nicolas Petton 13 years ago
6 changed files with 1944 additions and 1904 deletions
  1. 175 175
  2. 202 202
  3. 402 349
  4. 523 540
  5. 51 51
  6. 591 587

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 175 - 175

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 202 - 202

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 402 - 349

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 523 - 540

+ 51 - 51

@@ -1,4 +1,53 @@
 Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Kernel-Collections' properties: #{}!
 Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Kernel-Collections' properties: #{}!
+Object subclass: #Association
+	instanceVariableNames: 'key value'
+	category: 'Kernel-Collections'!
+!Association methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+key: aKey
+	key := aKey
+	^key
+value: aValue
+	value := aValue
+	^value
+! !
+!Association methodsFor: 'comparing'!
+= anAssociation
+	^self class = anAssociation class and: [
+	    self key = anAssociation key and: [
+		self value = anAssociation value]]
+storeOn: aStream
+	"Store in the format (key->value)"
+	"aStream nextPutAll: '('."
+	key storeOn: aStream.
+	aStream nextPutAll: '->'.
+	value storeOn: aStream.
+	"aStream nextPutAll: ')'"
+! !
+!Association class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
+key: aKey value: aValue
+	    ^self new
+		key: aKey;
+		value: aValue;
+		yourself
+! !
 Object subclass: #Stream
 Object subclass: #Stream
 	instanceVariableNames: 'collection position streamSize'
 	instanceVariableNames: 'collection position streamSize'
 	category: 'Kernel-Collections'!
 	category: 'Kernel-Collections'!
@@ -132,55 +181,6 @@ on: aCollection
 ! !
 ! !
-Object subclass: #Association
-	instanceVariableNames: 'key value'
-	category: 'Kernel-Collections'!
-!Association methodsFor: 'accessing'!
-key: aKey
-	key := aKey
-	^key
-value: aValue
-	value := aValue
-	^value
-! !
-!Association methodsFor: 'comparing'!
-= anAssociation
-	^self class = anAssociation class and: [
-	    self key = anAssociation key and: [
-		self value = anAssociation value]]
-storeOn: aStream
-	"Store in the format (key->value)"
-	"aStream nextPutAll: '('."
-	key storeOn: aStream.
-	aStream nextPutAll: '->'.
-	value storeOn: aStream.
-	"aStream nextPutAll: ')'"
-! !
-!Association class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
-key: aKey value: aValue
-	    ^self new
-		key: aKey;
-		value: aValue;
-		yourself
-! !
 Object subclass: #RegularExpression
 Object subclass: #RegularExpression
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	category: 'Kernel-Collections'!
 	category: 'Kernel-Collections'!
@@ -1158,7 +1158,7 @@ with: anObject with: anObject2 with: anObject3
 withAll: aCollection
 withAll: aCollection
 	| instance |
 	| instance |
 	instance := self new: aCollection size.
 	instance := self new: aCollection size.
-	aCollection withIndexDo: [:index :each |
+	aCollection withIndexDo: [:each :index  |
 		instance at: index put: each].
 		instance at: index put: each].
 ! !
 ! !
@@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@ with: anObject with: anObject2 with: anObject3
 withAll: aCollection
 withAll: aCollection
 	| instance |
 	| instance |
 	instance := self new: aCollection size.
 	instance := self new: aCollection size.
-	aCollection withIndexDo: [:index :each |
+	aCollection withIndexDo: [:each :index  |
 		instance at: index put: each].
 		instance at: index put: each].
 ! !
 ! !

+ 591 - 587

@@ -1,426 +1,387 @@
 Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Kernel-Tests' properties: #{}!
 Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Kernel-Tests' properties: #{}!
-TestCase subclass: #StringTest
+TestCase subclass: #SetTest
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!StringTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+!SetTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
-	self assert: 'hello,world' equals: (',' join: #('hello' 'world'))
+	| set |
+	set := Set new.
+	set add: 21.
+	set add: 'hello'.
-	self 
-		assert: 'hello world' 
-		equals: (String streamContents: [:aStream| aStream 
-                                                 					nextPutAll: 'hello'; space; 
-                                                 					nextPutAll: 'world'])
+	set add: 21.
+	self assert: set size = 2.
+	set add: 'hello'.
+	self assert: set size = 2.
+	self assert: set asArray equals: #(21 'hello')
-	self assert: ('amber' includesSubString: 'ber').
-	self deny: ('amber' includesSubString: 'zork').
+	self should: [Set new at: 1 put: 2] raise: Error
-	self assert: 'hello' = 'hello'.
-	self deny: 'hello' = 'world'.
+	| set |
+	set := Set new.
+	self assert: set isEmpty.
-	self assert: 'hello'  = 'hello' yourself.
-	self assert: 'hello' yourself = 'hello'.
+	set add: 3.
+	self assert: (set includes: 3).
-	"test JS falsy value"
-	self deny: '' = 0
+	set add: 5.
+	self assert: (set includes: 5).
-	self 
-		assert: 'hello world' 
-		equals: ('*hello* *world*' copyWithoutAll: '*')
+	set remove: 3.
+	self deny: (set includes: 3)
-	self assert: ('hello' at: 1) = 'h'.
-	self assert: ('hello' at: 5) = 'o'.
-	self assert: ('hello' at: 6 ifAbsent: [nil]) = nil
+	self assert: Set new size equals: 0.
+	self assert: (Set withAll: #(1 2 3 4)) size equals: 4.
+	self assert: (Set withAll: #(1 1 1 1)) size equals: 1
+! !
+TestCase subclass: #ClassBuilderTest
+	instanceVariableNames: 'builder theClass'
+	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
+!ClassBuilderTest methodsFor: 'running'!
+	builder := ClassBuilder new
-	"String instances are read-only"
-	self should: ['hello' at: 1 put: 'a'] raise: Error
+	theClass ifNotNil: [Smalltalk current removeClass: theClass. theClass := nil]
-	self assert: 'smalltalk' size equals: 9.
-	self assert: '' size equals: 0
+	theClass := builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'.
+	self assert: theClass superclass == ObjectMock superclass.
+	self assert: theClass instanceVariableNames == ObjectMock instanceVariableNames.
+	self assert: theClass name equals: 'ObjectMock2'.
+	self assert: theClass package == ObjectMock package.
+	self assert: theClass methodDictionary keys equals: ObjectMock methodDictionary keys
-	self should: ['hello' add: 'a'] raise: Error.
-	self should: ['hello' remove: 'h'] raise: Error
+	self assert: (builder instanceVariableNamesFor: '  hello   world   ') equals: #('hello' 'world')
 ! !
 ! !
-TestCase subclass: #DictionaryTest
+TestCase subclass: #RandomTest
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!DictionaryTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
-	self
-		assert: 'a Dictionary(''firstname'' -> ''James'' , ''lastname'' -> ''Bond'')' 
-		equals: (Dictionary new 
-                         	at:'firstname' put: 'James';
-                        	at:'lastname' put: 'Bond';
-                        	printString)
+!RandomTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
-	| d1 d2 |
-	self assert: Dictionary new = Dictionary new.
-	d1 := Dictionary new at: 1 put: 2; yourself.
-	d2 := Dictionary new at: 1 put: 2; yourself.
-	self assert: d1 = d2.
+	10000 timesRepeat: [
+			| current next | 
+			next := Random new next.
+			self assert: (next >= 0).
+			self assert: (next < 1).
+			self deny: current = next.
+			next = current]
+! !
-	d2 := Dictionary new at: 1 put: 3; yourself.
-	self deny: d1 = d2.
+TestCase subclass: #PointTest
+	instanceVariableNames: ''
+	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-	d2 := Dictionary new at: 2 put: 2; yourself.
-	self deny: d1 = d2.
+!PointTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
-	d2 := Dictionary new at: 1 put: 2; at: 3 put: 4; yourself.
-	self deny: d1 = d2.
+	self assert: (Point x: 3 y: 4) x equals: 3.
+	self assert: (Point x: 3 y: 4) y equals: 4.
+	self assert: (Point new x: 3) x equals: 3.
+	self assert: (Point new y: 4) y equals: 4
-	self assert: #{'hello' -> 1} asDictionary = (Dictionary with: 'hello' -> 1)
+	self assert: 3@4 equals: (Point x: 3 y: 4)
-	| d |
+	self assert: 3@4 = (3@4).
+	self deny: 3@5 = (3@6)
-	d := Dictionary new.
+	self assert: 3@4 * (3@4 ) equals: (Point x: 9 y: 16).
+	self assert: 3@4 + (3@4 ) equals: (Point x: 6 y: 8).
+	self assert: 3@4 - (3@4 ) equals: (Point x: 0 y: 0).
+	self assert: 6@8 / (3@4 ) equals: (Point x: 2 y: 2)
+! !
-	d at: 'hello' put: 'world'.
-	self assert: (d at: 'hello') = 'world'.
-	self assert: (d at: 'hello' ifAbsent: [nil]) = 'world'.
-	self deny: (d at: 'foo' ifAbsent: [nil]) = 'world'.
+TestCase subclass: #UndefinedTest
+	instanceVariableNames: ''
+	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-	d at: 1 put: 2.
-	self assert: (d at: 1) = 2.
+!UndefinedTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
-	d at: 1@3 put: 3.
-	self assert: (d at: 1@3) = 3
+	self assert: nil isNil.
+	self deny: nil notNil.
-	| d |
-	d := Dictionary new.
-	self assert: d size = 0.
-	d at: 1 put: 2.
-	self assert: d size = 1.
-	d at: 2 put: 3.
-	self assert: d size = 2.
+	self assert: (nil ifNil: [true]) equals: true.
+	self deny: (nil ifNotNil: [true]) = true.
+	self assert: (nil ifNil: [true] ifNotNil: [false]) equals: true.
+	self deny: (nil ifNotNil: [true] ifNil: [false]) = true
-	| d |
+	self assert: nil copy equals: nil
-	d := Dictionary new.
-	d at: 1 put: 2.
-	d at: 2 put: 3.
-	d at: 3 put: 4.
+	self assert: nil deepCopy = nil
+! !
-	self assert: d values = #(2 3 4)
+Object subclass: #ObjectMock
+	instanceVariableNames: 'foo bar'
+	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-	| d |
+!ObjectMock methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
-	d := Dictionary new.
-	d at: 1 put: 2.
-	d at: 2 put: 3.
-	d at: 3 put: 4.
+	^foo
-	self assert: d keys = #(1 2 3)
+foo: anObject
+	foo := anObject
 ! !
 ! !
-TestCase subclass: #BooleanTest
+TestCase subclass: #SymbolTest
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!BooleanTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
-	"Trivial logic table"
-	self assert: (true & true); deny: (true & false); deny: (false & true); deny: (false & false).
-	self assert: (true | true); assert: (true | false); assert: (false | true); deny: (false | false).
-        "Checking that expressions work fine too"
-	self assert: (true & (1 > 0)); deny: ((1 > 0) & false); deny: ((1 > 0) & (1 > 2)).
-        self assert: (false | (1 > 0)); assert: ((1 > 0) | false); assert: ((1 > 0) | (1 > 2))
+!SymbolTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
-	"We're on top of JS...just be sure to check the basics!!"
+	self assert: #hello = #hello.
+	self deny: #hello = #world.
-	self deny: 0 = false. 
-	self deny: false = 0.
-	self deny: '' = false.
-	self deny: false = ''.
+	self assert: #hello  = #hello yourself.
+	self assert: #hello yourself = #hello.
-	self assert: true = true.
-	self deny: false = true.
-	self deny: true = false.
-	self assert: false = false.
+	self deny: #hello  = 'hello'.
+	self deny: 'hello' = #hello.
-	"JS may do some type coercing after sending a message"
-	self assert: true yourself = true.
-	self assert: true yourself = true yourself
+	self assert: (#hello at: 1) = 'h'.
+	self assert: (#hello at: 5) = 'o'.
+	self assert: (#hello at: 6 ifAbsent: [nil]) = nil
-	"Trivial logic table"
-	self 
-		assert: (true and: [ true]); 
-		deny: (true and: [ false ]); 
-		deny: (false and: [ true ]); 
-		deny: (false and: [ false ]).
-	self 
-		assert: (true or: [ true ]); 
-		assert: (true or: [ false ]); 
-		assert: (false or: [ true ]); 
-		deny: (false or: [ false ]).
-	"Checking that expressions work fine too"
-	self 
-		assert: (true and: [ 1 > 0 ]); 
-		deny: ((1 > 0) and: [ false ]); 
-		deny: ((1 > 0) and: [ 1 > 2 ]).
-        self 
-		assert: (false or: [ 1 > 0 ]); 
-		assert: ((1 > 0) or: [ false ]); 
-		assert: ((1 > 0) or: [ 1 > 2 ])
+	"Symbol instances are read-only"
+	self should: ['hello' at: 1 put: 'a'] raise: Error
-	self assert: (true ifTrue: ['alternative block']) = 'alternative block'.
-	self assert: (true ifFalse: ['alternative block']) = nil.
-	self assert: (false ifTrue: ['alternative block']) = nil.
-	self assert: (false ifFalse: ['alternative block']) = 'alternative block'.
+	self assert: #hello == #hello.
+	self deny: #hello == #world.
-	self assert: (false ifTrue: ['alternative block'] ifFalse: ['alternative block2']) = 'alternative block2'.
-	self assert: (false ifFalse: ['alternative block'] ifTrue: ['alternative block2']) = 'alternative block'.
+	self assert: #hello  = #hello yourself.
+	self assert: #hello yourself = #hello asString asSymbol
-	self assert: (true ifTrue: ['alternative block'] ifFalse: ['alternative block2']) = 'alternative block'.
-	self assert: (true ifFalse: ['alternative block'] ifTrue: ['alternative block2']) = 'alternative block2'.
-! !
+	self assert: #ab > #aa.
+	self deny: #ab > #ba.
-TestCase subclass: #NumberTest
-	instanceVariableNames: ''
-	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
+	self assert: #ab < #ba.
+	self deny: #bb < #ba.
-!NumberTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+	self assert: #ab >= #aa.
+	self deny: #ab >= #ba.
-	self assert: '23.00' equals: (23 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2).
-	self assert: '23.57' equals: (23.5698 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2).
-	self assert: '-234.56700' equals:( 234.567 negated printShowingDecimalPlaces: 5).
-	self assert: '23' equals: (23.4567 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 0).
-	self assert: '24' equals: (23.5567 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 0).
-	self assert: '-23' equals: (23.4567 negated printShowingDecimalPlaces: 0).
-	self assert: '-24' equals: (23.5567 negated printShowingDecimalPlaces: 0).
-	self assert: '100000000.0' equals: (100000000 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 1).
-	self assert: '0.98000' equals: (0.98 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 5).
-	self assert: '-0.98' equals: (0.98 negated printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2).
-	self assert: '2.57' equals: (2.567 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2).
-	self assert: '-2.57' equals: (-2.567 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2).
-	self assert: '0.00' equals: (0 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2).
+	self assert: #ab <= #ba.
+	self deny: #bb <= #ba
-	self assert: 1 = 1.
-	self assert: 0 = 0.
-	self deny: 1 = 0.
-	self assert: 1 yourself = 1.
-	self assert: 1 = 1 yourself.
-	self assert: 1 yourself = 1 yourself.
-	self deny: 0 = false.
-	self deny: false = 0.
-	self deny: '' = 0.
-	self deny: 0 = ''
+	self assert: #a size equals: 1.
+	self assert: #aaaaa size equals: 5
-	"We rely on JS here, so we won't test complex behavior, just check if 
-	message sends are corrects"
-	self assert: 1.5 + 1 = 2.5.
-	self assert: 2 - 1 = 1.
-	self assert: -2 - 1 = -3.
-	self assert: 12 / 2 = 6.
-	self assert: 3 * 4 = 12.
-	"Simple parenthesis and execution order"
-	self assert: 1 + 2 * 3 = 9.
-	self assert: 1 + (2 * 3) = 7
+	self assert: #hello asString equals: 'hello'
-	self assert: 3 rounded = 3.
-	self assert: 3.212 rounded = 3.
-	self assert: 3.51 rounded = 4
+	self assert: #hello == #hello asSymbol
-	self assert: 3 negated = -3.
-	self assert: -3 negated = 3
+	self assert: #hello copy == #hello.
+	self assert: #hello deepCopy == #hello
+	self assert: #hello isSymbol.
+	self deny: 'hello' isSymbol.
+	self deny: #hello isString.
+	self assert: 'hello' isString
+! !
-	self assert: 3 > 2.
-	self assert: 2 < 3.
-	self deny: 3 < 2.
-	self deny: 2 > 3.
+TestCase subclass: #ObjectTest
+	instanceVariableNames: ''
+	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-	self assert: 3 >= 3.
-	self assert: 3.1 >= 3.
-	self assert: 3 <= 3.
-	self assert: 3 <= 3.1
+!ObjectTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+	| o |
+	o := Object new.
+	self deny: o = Object new.
+	self assert: o = o.
+	self assert: o yourself = o.
+	self assert: o = o yourself
-	self assert: 3 truncated = 3.
-	self assert: 3.212 truncated = 3.
-	self assert: 3.51 truncated = 3
+	| o |
+	o := Object new.
+	self deny: o == Object new.
+	self assert: o == o
-	self assert: 1 copy == 1.
-	self assert: 1 deepCopy == 1
+	self should: [Object new halt] raise: Error
-	self assert: (2 max: 5) equals: 5.
-	self assert: (2 min: 5) equals: 2
+	| o |
+	o := Object new.
+	o basicAt: 'a' put: 1.
+	self assert: (o basicAt: 'a') equals: 1.
+	self assert: (o basicAt: 'b') equals: nil
-	self assert: 1 == 1.
-	self assert: 0 == 0.
-	self deny: 1 == 0.
+	"nil in Smalltalk is the undefined object in JS"
-	self assert: 1 yourself == 1.
-	self assert: 1 == 1 yourself.
-	self assert: 1 yourself == 1 yourself.
-	self deny: 1 == 2
+	self assert: nil = undefined
+	| o1 o2 |
-	self assert: 4 sqrt = 2.
-	self assert: 16 sqrt = 4
+	o1 := Object new.
+	o2 := Object new.
-	self assert: 4 squared = 16
+	self assert: o1 identityHash == o1 identityHash.
+	self deny: o1 identityHash == o2 identityHash
-	| i |
+	| o |
+	o := Object new.
+	o basicAt: 'func' put: ['hello'].	
+	o basicAt: 'func2' put: [:a | a + 1].
-	i := 0.
-	0 timesRepeat: [i := i + 1].
-	self assert: i equals: 0.
+	self assert: (o basicPerform: 'func')	 equals: 'hello'.
+	self assert: (o basicPerform: 'func2' withArguments: #(3)) equals: 4
-	5 timesRepeat: [i := i + 1].
-	self assert: i equals: 5
+	self deny: Object new isNil.
+	self deny: (Object new ifNil: [true]) = true.
+	self assert: (Object new ifNotNil: [true]) = true.
+	self assert: (Object new ifNil: [false] ifNotNil: [true]) = true.
+	self assert: (Object new ifNotNil: [true] ifNil: [false]) = true
-	self assert: (1 to: 5) equals: #(1 2 3 4 5)
+	| o |
+	o := ObjectMock new.
+	self assert: (o instVarAt: #foo) equals: nil.
+	o instVarAt: #foo put: 1.
+	self assert: (o instVarAt: #foo) equals: 1.
+	self assert: (o instVarAt: 'foo') equals: 1
-	self assert: (0 to: 6 by: 2) equals: #(0 2 4 6).
+	| o |
+	o := ObjectMock new.
+	self assert: o yourself == o
-	self should: [1 to: 4 by: 0] raise: Error
+	self should: [Object new foo] raise: MessageNotUnderstood
 ! !
 ! !
-TestCase subclass: #JSObjectProxyTest
+TestCase subclass: #BlockClosureTest
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!JSObjectProxyTest methodsFor: 'accessing'!
-	<return jsObject = {a: 1, b: function() {return 2;}, c: function(object) {return object;}}>
-! !
+!BlockClosureTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
-!JSObjectProxyTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+	self assert: ([1+1] value) equals: 2.
+	self assert: ([:x | x +1] value: 2) equals: 3.
+	self assert: ([:x :y | x*y] value: 2 value: 4) equals: 8. 
-	self deny: ('body' asJQuery hasClass: 'amber').
+	"Arguments are optional in Amber. This isn't ANSI compliant."
-	'body' asJQuery addClass: 'amber'.
-	self assert: ('body' asJQuery hasClass: 'amber').
+	self assert: ([:a :b :c | 1] value) equals: 1
-	'body' asJQuery removeClass: 'amber'.
-	self deny: ('body' asJQuery hasClass: 'amber').
+	self assert: ([Error new signal] on: Error do: [:ex | true])
-	|body|
-	body := 'body' asJQuery
-				addClass: 'amber';
-				yourself.
-	self assert: (body hasClass: 'amber').
-	body removeClass: 'amber'.
-	self deny: (body hasClass: 'amber').
+	self assert: ([Error new] ensure: [true])
-	<document.location.hash = ''>.
-	self assert: '' equals: document location hash.
+	self assert: [] numArgs equals: 0.
+	self assert: [:a :b | ] numArgs equals: 2
-	document location hash: 'test'.
-	self assert: '#test' equals: document location hash.
+	self assert: ([1] valueWithPossibleArguments: #(3 4)) equals: 1.
+	self assert: ([:a | a + 4] valueWithPossibleArguments: #(3 4)) equals: 7.
+	self assert: ([:a :b | a + b] valueWithPossibleArguments: #(3 4 5)) equals: 7.
-	self should: [self jsObject foo] raise: MessageNotUnderstood
+	| i |
+	i := 0.
+	[i < 5] whileTrue: [i := i + 1].
+	self assert: i equals: 5.
+	i := 0.
+	[i := i + 1. i < 5] whileTrue.
+	self assert: i equals: 5
+	| i |
+	i := 0.
+	[i > 5] whileFalse: [i := i + 1].
+	self assert: i equals: 6.
-	self assert: self jsObject a equals: 1.
-	self assert: self jsObject b equals: 2.
-	self assert: (self jsObject c: 3) equals: 3
+	i := 0.
+	[i := i + 1. i > 5] whileFalse.
+	self assert: i equals: 6
-	self assert: self jsObject printString = '[object Object]'
+	self assert: ([1+1] compiledSource includesSubString: 'function')
 ! !
 ! !
 TestCase subclass: #PackageTest
 TestCase subclass: #PackageTest
@@ -467,426 +428,469 @@ testGrulCommitPathJsShouldBeServerGrulJs
 	self assert: 'server/grul/js' equals: grulPackage commitPathJs
 	self assert: 'server/grul/js' equals: grulPackage commitPathJs
 ! !
 ! !
-PackageTest subclass: #PackageWithDefaultCommitPathChangedTest
+TestCase subclass: #JSObjectProxyTest
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!PackageWithDefaultCommitPathChangedTest methodsFor: 'running'!
-	super setUp.
+!JSObjectProxyTest methodsFor: 'accessing'!
-	Package
-		defaultCommitPathJs: 'javascripts/';
-		defaultCommitPathSt: 'smalltalk/'.
+	<return jsObject = {a: 1, b: function() {return 2;}, c: function(object) {return object;}}>
 ! !
 ! !
-!PackageWithDefaultCommitPathChangedTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+!JSObjectProxyTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
-	self assert: 'server/grul/js' equals: grulPackage commitPathJs
+	self deny: ('body' asJQuery hasClass: 'amber').
+	'body' asJQuery addClass: 'amber'.
+	self assert: ('body' asJQuery hasClass: 'amber').
+	'body' asJQuery removeClass: 'amber'.
+	self deny: ('body' asJQuery hasClass: 'amber').
-	self assert: 'grul/st' equals: grulPackage commitPathSt
+	|body|
+	body := 'body' asJQuery
+				addClass: 'amber';
+				yourself.
+	self assert: (body hasClass: 'amber').
+	body removeClass: 'amber'.
+	self deny: (body hasClass: 'amber').
-	self assert: 'javascripts/' equals: zorkPackage commitPathJs
+	<document.location.hash = ''>.
+	self assert: '' equals: document location hash.
+	document location hash: 'test'.
+	self assert: '#test' equals: document location hash.
-	self assert: 'smalltalk/' equals: zorkPackage commitPathSt
-! !
+	self should: [self jsObject foo] raise: MessageNotUnderstood
-!PackageWithDefaultCommitPathChangedTest class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
-	^ false
+	self assert: self jsObject a equals: 1.
+	self assert: self jsObject b equals: 2.
+	self assert: (self jsObject c: 3) equals: 3
+	self assert: self jsObject printString = '[object Object]'
 ! !
 ! !
-TestCase subclass: #BlockClosureTest
+TestCase subclass: #NumberTest
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!BlockClosureTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
-	self assert: ([1+1] value) equals: 2.
-	self assert: ([:x | x +1] value: 2) equals: 3.
-	self assert: ([:x :y | x*y] value: 2 value: 4) equals: 8. 
-	"Arguments are optional in Amber. This isn't ANSI compliant."
+!NumberTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
-	self assert: ([:a :b :c | 1] value) equals: 1
+	self assert: '23.00' equals: (23 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2).
+	self assert: '23.57' equals: (23.5698 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2).
+	self assert: '-234.56700' equals:( 234.567 negated printShowingDecimalPlaces: 5).
+	self assert: '23' equals: (23.4567 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 0).
+	self assert: '24' equals: (23.5567 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 0).
+	self assert: '-23' equals: (23.4567 negated printShowingDecimalPlaces: 0).
+	self assert: '-24' equals: (23.5567 negated printShowingDecimalPlaces: 0).
+	self assert: '100000000.0' equals: (100000000 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 1).
+	self assert: '0.98000' equals: (0.98 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 5).
+	self assert: '-0.98' equals: (0.98 negated printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2).
+	self assert: '2.57' equals: (2.567 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2).
+	self assert: '-2.57' equals: (-2.567 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2).
+	self assert: '0.00' equals: (0 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2).
-	self assert: ([Error new signal] on: Error do: [:ex | true])
+	self assert: 1 = 1.
+	self assert: 0 = 0.
+	self deny: 1 = 0.
-	self assert: ([Error new] ensure: [true])
+	self assert: 1 yourself = 1.
+	self assert: 1 = 1 yourself.
+	self assert: 1 yourself = 1 yourself.
+	self deny: 0 = false.
+	self deny: false = 0.
+	self deny: '' = 0.
+	self deny: 0 = ''
-	self assert: [] numArgs equals: 0.
-	self assert: [:a :b | ] numArgs equals: 2
+	"We rely on JS here, so we won't test complex behavior, just check if 
+	message sends are corrects"
-	self assert: ([1] valueWithPossibleArguments: #(3 4)) equals: 1.
-	self assert: ([:a | a + 4] valueWithPossibleArguments: #(3 4)) equals: 7.
-	self assert: ([:a :b | a + b] valueWithPossibleArguments: #(3 4 5)) equals: 7.
+	self assert: 1.5 + 1 = 2.5.
+	self assert: 2 - 1 = 1.
+	self assert: -2 - 1 = -3.
+	self assert: 12 / 2 = 6.
+	self assert: 3 * 4 = 12.
-	| i |
-	i := 0.
-	[i < 5] whileTrue: [i := i + 1].
-	self assert: i equals: 5.
+	"Simple parenthesis and execution order"
-	i := 0.
-	[i := i + 1. i < 5] whileTrue.
-	self assert: i equals: 5
+	self assert: 1 + 2 * 3 = 9.
+	self assert: 1 + (2 * 3) = 7
-	| i |
-	i := 0.
-	[i > 5] whileFalse: [i := i + 1].
-	self assert: i equals: 6.
-	i := 0.
-	[i := i + 1. i > 5] whileFalse.
-	self assert: i equals: 6
+	self assert: 3 rounded = 3.
+	self assert: 3.212 rounded = 3.
+	self assert: 3.51 rounded = 4
-	self assert: ([1+1] compiledSource includesSubString: 'function')
-! !
+	self assert: 3 negated = -3.
+	self assert: -3 negated = 3
-TestCase subclass: #ObjectTest
-	instanceVariableNames: ''
-	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!ObjectTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+	self assert: 3 > 2.
+	self assert: 2 < 3.
+	self deny: 3 < 2.
+	self deny: 2 > 3.
-	| o |
-	o := Object new.
-	self deny: o = Object new.
-	self assert: o = o.
-	self assert: o yourself = o.
-	self assert: o = o yourself
+	self assert: 3 >= 3.
+	self assert: 3.1 >= 3.
+	self assert: 3 <= 3.
+	self assert: 3 <= 3.1
-	| o |
-	o := Object new.
-	self deny: o == Object new.
-	self assert: o == o
+	self assert: 3 truncated = 3.
+	self assert: 3.212 truncated = 3.
+	self assert: 3.51 truncated = 3
-	self should: [Object new halt] raise: Error
+	self assert: 1 copy == 1.
+	self assert: 1 deepCopy == 1
-	| o |
-	o := Object new.
-	o basicAt: 'a' put: 1.
-	self assert: (o basicAt: 'a') equals: 1.
-	self assert: (o basicAt: 'b') equals: nil
+	self assert: (2 max: 5) equals: 5.
+	self assert: (2 min: 5) equals: 2
-	"nil in Smalltalk is the undefined object in JS"
+	self assert: 1 == 1.
+	self assert: 0 == 0.
+	self deny: 1 == 0.
-	self assert: nil = undefined
+	self assert: 1 yourself == 1.
+	self assert: 1 == 1 yourself.
+	self assert: 1 yourself == 1 yourself.
+	self deny: 1 == 2
-	| o1 o2 |
-	o1 := Object new.
-	o2 := Object new.
-	self assert: o1 identityHash == o1 identityHash.
-	self deny: o1 identityHash == o2 identityHash
+	self assert: 4 sqrt = 2.
+	self assert: 16 sqrt = 4
-	| o |
-	o := Object new.
-	o basicAt: 'func' put: ['hello'].	
-	o basicAt: 'func2' put: [:a | a + 1].
-	self assert: (o basicPerform: 'func')	 equals: 'hello'.
-	self assert: (o basicPerform: 'func2' withArguments: #(3)) equals: 4
+	self assert: 4 squared = 16
-	self deny: Object new isNil.
-	self deny: (Object new ifNil: [true]) = true.
-	self assert: (Object new ifNotNil: [true]) = true.
-	self assert: (Object new ifNil: [false] ifNotNil: [true]) = true.
-	self assert: (Object new ifNotNil: [true] ifNil: [false]) = true
+	| i |
-	| o |
-	o := ObjectMock new.
-	self assert: (o instVarAt: #foo) equals: nil.
+	i := 0.
+	0 timesRepeat: [i := i + 1].
+	self assert: i equals: 0.
-	o instVarAt: #foo put: 1.
-	self assert: (o instVarAt: #foo) equals: 1.
-	self assert: (o instVarAt: 'foo') equals: 1
+	5 timesRepeat: [i := i + 1].
+	self assert: i equals: 5
-	| o |
-	o := ObjectMock new.
-	self assert: o yourself == o
+	self assert: (1 to: 5) equals: #(1 2 3 4 5)
-	self should: [Object new foo] raise: MessageNotUnderstood
+	self assert: (0 to: 6 by: 2) equals: #(0 2 4 6).
+	self should: [1 to: 4 by: 0] raise: Error
 ! !
 ! !
-TestCase subclass: #SymbolTest
+TestCase subclass: #BooleanTest
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!SymbolTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+!BooleanTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+	"Trivial logic table"
+	self assert: (true & true); deny: (true & false); deny: (false & true); deny: (false & false).
+	self assert: (true | true); assert: (true | false); assert: (false | true); deny: (false | false).
+        "Checking that expressions work fine too"
+	self assert: (true & (1 > 0)); deny: ((1 > 0) & false); deny: ((1 > 0) & (1 > 2)).
+        self assert: (false | (1 > 0)); assert: ((1 > 0) | false); assert: ((1 > 0) | (1 > 2))
-	self assert: #hello = #hello.
-	self deny: #hello = #world.
+	"We're on top of JS...just be sure to check the basics!!"
-	self assert: #hello  = #hello yourself.
-	self assert: #hello yourself = #hello.
+	self deny: 0 = false. 
+	self deny: false = 0.
+	self deny: '' = false.
+	self deny: false = ''.
-	self deny: #hello  = 'hello'.
-	self deny: 'hello' = #hello.
+	self assert: true = true.
+	self deny: false = true.
+	self deny: true = false.
+	self assert: false = false.
-	self assert: (#hello at: 1) = 'h'.
-	self assert: (#hello at: 5) = 'o'.
-	self assert: (#hello at: 6 ifAbsent: [nil]) = nil
+	"JS may do some type coercing after sending a message"
+	self assert: true yourself = true.
+	self assert: true yourself = true yourself
-	"Symbol instances are read-only"
-	self should: ['hello' at: 1 put: 'a'] raise: Error
+	"Trivial logic table"
+	self 
+		assert: (true and: [ true]); 
+		deny: (true and: [ false ]); 
+		deny: (false and: [ true ]); 
+		deny: (false and: [ false ]).
+	self 
+		assert: (true or: [ true ]); 
+		assert: (true or: [ false ]); 
+		assert: (false or: [ true ]); 
+		deny: (false or: [ false ]).
+	"Checking that expressions work fine too"
+	self 
+		assert: (true and: [ 1 > 0 ]); 
+		deny: ((1 > 0) and: [ false ]); 
+		deny: ((1 > 0) and: [ 1 > 2 ]).
+        self 
+		assert: (false or: [ 1 > 0 ]); 
+		assert: ((1 > 0) or: [ false ]); 
+		assert: ((1 > 0) or: [ 1 > 2 ])
-	self assert: #hello == #hello.
-	self deny: #hello == #world.
+	self assert: (true ifTrue: ['alternative block']) = 'alternative block'.
+	self assert: (true ifFalse: ['alternative block']) = nil.
-	self assert: #hello  = #hello yourself.
-	self assert: #hello yourself = #hello asString asSymbol
+	self assert: (false ifTrue: ['alternative block']) = nil.
+	self assert: (false ifFalse: ['alternative block']) = 'alternative block'.
+	self assert: (false ifTrue: ['alternative block'] ifFalse: ['alternative block2']) = 'alternative block2'.
+	self assert: (false ifFalse: ['alternative block'] ifTrue: ['alternative block2']) = 'alternative block'.
+	self assert: (true ifTrue: ['alternative block'] ifFalse: ['alternative block2']) = 'alternative block'.
+	self assert: (true ifFalse: ['alternative block'] ifTrue: ['alternative block2']) = 'alternative block2'.
+! !
+TestCase subclass: #DictionaryTest
+	instanceVariableNames: ''
+	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
+!DictionaryTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+	self
+		assert: 'a Dictionary(''firstname'' -> ''James'' , ''lastname'' -> ''Bond'')' 
+		equals: (Dictionary new 
+                         	at:'firstname' put: 'James';
+                        	at:'lastname' put: 'Bond';
+                        	printString)
-	self assert: #ab > #aa.
-	self deny: #ab > #ba.
-	self assert: #ab < #ba.
-	self deny: #bb < #ba.
+	| d1 d2 |
-	self assert: #ab >= #aa.
-	self deny: #ab >= #ba.
+	self assert: Dictionary new = Dictionary new.
+	d1 := Dictionary new at: 1 put: 2; yourself.
+	d2 := Dictionary new at: 1 put: 2; yourself.
+	self assert: d1 = d2.
-	self assert: #ab <= #ba.
-	self deny: #bb <= #ba
+	d2 := Dictionary new at: 1 put: 3; yourself.
+	self deny: d1 = d2.
-	self assert: #a size equals: 1.
-	self assert: #aaaaa size equals: 5
+	d2 := Dictionary new at: 2 put: 2; yourself.
+	self deny: d1 = d2.
-	self assert: #hello asString equals: 'hello'
+	d2 := Dictionary new at: 1 put: 2; at: 3 put: 4; yourself.
+	self deny: d1 = d2.
-	self assert: #hello == #hello asSymbol
+	self assert: #{'hello' -> 1} asDictionary = (Dictionary with: 'hello' -> 1)
-	self assert: #hello copy == #hello.
-	self assert: #hello deepCopy == #hello
+	| d |
-	self assert: #hello isSymbol.
-	self deny: 'hello' isSymbol.
-	self deny: #hello isString.
-	self assert: 'hello' isString
-! !
+	d := Dictionary new.
-Object subclass: #ObjectMock
-	instanceVariableNames: 'foo bar'
-	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
+	d at: 'hello' put: 'world'.
+	self assert: (d at: 'hello') = 'world'.
+	self assert: (d at: 'hello' ifAbsent: [nil]) = 'world'.
+	self deny: (d at: 'foo' ifAbsent: [nil]) = 'world'.
-!ObjectMock methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
+	d at: 1 put: 2.
+	self assert: (d at: 1) = 2.
-	^foo
+	d at: 1@3 put: 3.
+	self assert: (d at: 1@3) = 3
-foo: anObject
-	foo := anObject
-! !
+	| d |
-TestCase subclass: #UndefinedTest
-	instanceVariableNames: ''
-	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
+	d := Dictionary new.
+	self assert: d size = 0.
-!UndefinedTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+	d at: 1 put: 2.
+	self assert: d size = 1.
-	self assert: nil isNil.
-	self deny: nil notNil.
+	d at: 2 put: 3.
+	self assert: d size = 2.
-	self assert: (nil ifNil: [true]) equals: true.
-	self deny: (nil ifNotNil: [true]) = true.
-	self assert: (nil ifNil: [true] ifNotNil: [false]) equals: true.
-	self deny: (nil ifNotNil: [true] ifNil: [false]) = true
+	| d |
-	self assert: nil copy equals: nil
+	d := Dictionary new.
+	d at: 1 put: 2.
+	d at: 2 put: 3.
+	d at: 3 put: 4.
+	self assert: d values = #(2 3 4)
-	self assert: nil deepCopy = nil
+	| d |
+	d := Dictionary new.
+	d at: 1 put: 2.
+	d at: 2 put: 3.
+	d at: 3 put: 4.
+	self assert: d keys = #(1 2 3)
 ! !
 ! !
-TestCase subclass: #PointTest
+TestCase subclass: #StringTest
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!PointTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+!StringTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
-	self assert: (Point x: 3 y: 4) x equals: 3.
-	self assert: (Point x: 3 y: 4) y equals: 4.
-	self assert: (Point new x: 3) x equals: 3.
-	self assert: (Point new y: 4) y equals: 4
+	self assert: 'hello,world' equals: (',' join: #('hello' 'world'))
-	self assert: 3@4 equals: (Point x: 3 y: 4)
+	self 
+		assert: 'hello world' 
+		equals: (String streamContents: [:aStream| aStream 
+                                                 					nextPutAll: 'hello'; space; 
+                                                 					nextPutAll: 'world'])
-	self assert: 3@4 = (3@4).
-	self deny: 3@5 = (3@6)
+	self assert: ('amber' includesSubString: 'ber').
+	self deny: ('amber' includesSubString: 'zork').
-	self assert: 3@4 * (3@4 ) equals: (Point x: 9 y: 16).
-	self assert: 3@4 + (3@4 ) equals: (Point x: 6 y: 8).
-	self assert: 3@4 - (3@4 ) equals: (Point x: 0 y: 0).
-	self assert: 6@8 / (3@4 ) equals: (Point x: 2 y: 2)
-! !
-TestCase subclass: #RandomTest
-	instanceVariableNames: ''
-	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!RandomTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+	self assert: 'hello' = 'hello'.
+	self deny: 'hello' = 'world'.
+	self assert: 'hello'  = 'hello' yourself.
+	self assert: 'hello' yourself = 'hello'.
-	10000 timesRepeat: [
-			| current next | 
-			next := Random new next.
-			self assert: (next >= 0).
-			self assert: (next < 1).
-			self deny: current = next.
-			next = current]
-! !
+	"test JS falsy value"
+	self deny: '' = 0
-TestCase subclass: #ClassBuilderTest
-	instanceVariableNames: 'builder theClass'
-	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
+	self 
+		assert: 'hello world' 
+		equals: ('*hello* *world*' copyWithoutAll: '*')
-!ClassBuilderTest methodsFor: 'running'!
+	self assert: ('hello' at: 1) = 'h'.
+	self assert: ('hello' at: 5) = 'o'.
+	self assert: ('hello' at: 6 ifAbsent: [nil]) = nil
-	builder := ClassBuilder new
+	"String instances are read-only"
+	self should: ['hello' at: 1 put: 'a'] raise: Error
-	theClass ifNotNil: [Smalltalk current removeClass: theClass. theClass := nil]
+	self assert: 'smalltalk' size equals: 9.
+	self assert: '' size equals: 0
-	theClass := builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'.
-	self assert: theClass superclass == ObjectMock superclass.
-	self assert: theClass instanceVariableNames == ObjectMock instanceVariableNames.
-	self assert: theClass name equals: 'ObjectMock2'.
-	self assert: theClass package == ObjectMock package.
-	self assert: theClass methodDictionary keys equals: ObjectMock methodDictionary keys
+	self should: ['hello' add: 'a'] raise: Error.
+	self should: ['hello' remove: 'h'] raise: Error
-	self assert: (builder instanceVariableNamesFor: '  hello   world   ') equals: #('hello' 'world')
+	self assert: 'hello' asArray = #('h' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o').
 ! !
 ! !
-TestCase subclass: #SetTest
+PackageTest subclass: #PackageWithDefaultCommitPathChangedTest
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	instanceVariableNames: ''
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
 	category: 'Kernel-Tests'!
-!SetTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
+!PackageWithDefaultCommitPathChangedTest methodsFor: 'running'!
-	| set |
-	set := Set new.
-	set add: 21.
-	set add: 'hello'.
+	super setUp.
-	set add: 21.
-	self assert: set size = 2.
-	set add: 'hello'.
-	self assert: set size = 2.
+	Package
+		defaultCommitPathJs: 'javascripts/';
+		defaultCommitPathSt: 'smalltalk/'.
+! !
-	self assert: set asArray equals: #(21 'hello')
+!PackageWithDefaultCommitPathChangedTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
-	self should: [Set new at: 1 put: 2] raise: Error
+	self assert: 'server/grul/js' equals: grulPackage commitPathJs
-	| set |
-	set := Set new.
-	self assert: set isEmpty.
+	self assert: 'grul/st' equals: grulPackage commitPathSt
-	set add: 3.
-	self assert: (set includes: 3).
+	self assert: 'javascripts/' equals: zorkPackage commitPathJs
-	set add: 5.
-	self assert: (set includes: 5).
+	self assert: 'smalltalk/' equals: zorkPackage commitPathSt
+! !
-	set remove: 3.
-	self deny: (set includes: 3)
+!PackageWithDefaultCommitPathChangedTest class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
-	self assert: Set new size equals: 0.
-	self assert: (Set withAll: #(1 2 3 4)) size equals: 4.
-	self assert: (Set withAll: #(1 1 1 1)) size equals: 1
+	^ false
 ! !
 ! !

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff