@@ -473,7 +473,17 @@ AmberC.prototype.compile = function() {
- self.category_export();
+ category_export(self.defaults).then(function(resolve) {
+ return self.defaults;
+ }, function(error) {
+ console.error(error);
+ }).then(verify)
+ .then(function(resolve) {
+ return self.defaults;
+ }, function(error) {
+ console.error(error);
+ }).then(compose_js_files);
this.defaults.compile.forEach(function(stFile) {
this.defaults.compile.forEach(function(stFile) {
@@ -494,35 +504,34 @@ AmberC.prototype.compile = function() {
* Export compiled categories to JavaScript files.
* Export compiled categories to JavaScript files.
- * Followed by verify().
+ * Returns a Promise.all() object.
-AmberC.prototype.category_export = function() {
- var defaults = this.defaults;
- var self = this;
- // export categories as .js
- async_map(defaults.compile, function(stFile, callback) {
- var category = path.basename(stFile, '.st');
- var jsFilePath = defaults.output_dir;
- if (undefined === jsFilePath) {
- jsFilePath = path.dirname(stFile);
- }
- var jsFile = category + defaults.suffix_used + '.js';
- jsFile = path.join(jsFilePath, jsFile);
- defaults.compiled.push(jsFile);
- var smalltalk = defaults.smalltalk;
- var packageObject = smalltalk.Package._named_(category);
- packageObject._transport()._namespace_(defaults.amd_namespace);
- fs.writeFile(jsFile, smalltalk.String._streamContents_(function (stream) {
- smalltalk.AmdExporter._new()._exportPackage_on_(packageObject, stream); }), function(err) {
- callback(null, null);
+function category_export(configuration) {
+ return Promise.all(
+ configuration.compile.map(function(stFile) {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, error) {
+ var category = path.basename(stFile, '.st');
+ var jsFilePath = configuration.output_dir;
+ if (undefined === jsFilePath) {
+ jsFilePath = path.dirname(stFile);
+ }
+ var jsFile = category + configuration.suffix_used + '.js';
+ jsFile = path.join(jsFilePath, jsFile);
+ configuration.compiled.push(jsFile);
+ var smalltalk = configuration.smalltalk;
+ var packageObject = smalltalk.Package._named_(category);
+ packageObject._transport()._namespace_(configuration.amd_namespace);
+ fs.writeFile(jsFile, smalltalk.String._streamContents_(function (stream) {
+ smalltalk.AmdExporter._new()._exportPackage_on_(packageObject, stream);
+ }), function(err) {
+ if (err)
+ error(err);
+ else
+ resolve(true);
+ });
- }, function(err, result){
- verify(defaults).then(function(resolve) {
- return defaults;
- }, function(error) {
- console.error(error);
- }).then(compose_js_files);
- });
+ })
+ );