Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Compiler-Semantic' properties: #{}! Object subclass: #LexicalScope instanceVariableNames: 'node instruction temps args outerScope' package: 'Compiler-Semantic'! !LexicalScope commentStamp! I represent a lexical scope where variable names are associated with ScopeVars Instances are used for block scopes. Method scopes are instances of MethodLexicalScope. I am attached to a ScopeVar and method/block nodes. Each context (method/closure) get a fresh scope that inherits from its outer scope.! !LexicalScope methodsFor: 'accessing'! allVariableNames ^ self args keys, self temps keys ! args ^ args ifNil: [ args := Dictionary new ] ! bindingFor: aStringOrNode ^ self pseudoVars at: aStringOrNode value ifAbsent: [ self args at: aStringOrNode value ifAbsent: [ self temps at: aStringOrNode value ifAbsent: [ nil ]]] ! instruction ^ instruction ! instruction: anIRInstruction instruction := anIRInstruction ! lookupVariable: aNode | lookup | lookup := (self bindingFor: aNode). lookup ifNil: [ lookup := self outerScope ifNotNil: [ (self outerScope lookupVariable: aNode) ]]. ^ lookup ! methodScope ^ self outerScope ifNotNil: [ self outerScope methodScope ] ! node "Answer the node in which I am defined" ^ node ! node: aNode node := aNode ! outerScope ^ outerScope ! outerScope: aLexicalScope outerScope := aLexicalScope ! pseudoVars ^ self methodScope pseudoVars ! scopeLevel ^ (self outerScope ifNil: [ 0 ] ifNotNil: [ self outerScope scopeLevel ]) + 1 ! temps ^ temps ifNil: [ temps := Dictionary new ] ! ! !LexicalScope methodsFor: 'adding'! addArg: aString self args at: aString put: (ArgVar on: aString). (self args at: aString) scope: self ! addTemp: aString self temps at: aString put: (TempVar on: aString). (self temps at: aString) scope: self ! ! !LexicalScope methodsFor: 'testing'! canInlineNonLocalReturns ^ self isInlined and: [ self outerScope canInlineNonLocalReturns ] ! isBlockScope ^ self isMethodScope not ! isInlined ^ self instruction isInlined ! isMethodScope ^ false ! ! LexicalScope subclass: #MethodLexicalScope instanceVariableNames: 'iVars pseudoVars unknownVariables localReturn nonLocalReturns' package: 'Compiler-Semantic'! !MethodLexicalScope commentStamp! I represent a method scope.! !MethodLexicalScope methodsFor: 'accessing'! allVariableNames ^ super allVariableNames, self iVars keys ! bindingFor: aNode ^ (super bindingFor: aNode) ifNil: [ self iVars at: aNode value ifAbsent: [ nil ]] ! iVars ^ iVars ifNil: [ iVars := Dictionary new ] ! localReturn ^ localReturn ifNil: [ false ] ! localReturn: aBoolean localReturn := aBoolean ! methodScope ^ self ! nonLocalReturns ^ nonLocalReturns ifNil: [ nonLocalReturns := OrderedCollection new ] ! pseudoVars pseudoVars ifNil: [ pseudoVars := Dictionary new. Smalltalk current pseudoVariableNames do: [ :each | pseudoVars at: each put: ((PseudoVar on: each) scope: self methodScope; yourself) ]]. ^ pseudoVars ! unknownVariables ^ unknownVariables ifNil: [ unknownVariables := OrderedCollection new ] ! ! !MethodLexicalScope methodsFor: 'adding'! addIVar: aString self iVars at: aString put: (InstanceVar on: aString). (self iVars at: aString) scope: self ! addNonLocalReturn: aScope self nonLocalReturns add: aScope ! removeNonLocalReturn: aScope self nonLocalReturns remove: aScope ifAbsent: [] ! ! !MethodLexicalScope methodsFor: 'testing'! canInlineNonLocalReturns ^ true ! hasLocalReturn ^ self localReturn ! hasNonLocalReturn ^ self nonLocalReturns notEmpty ! isMethodScope ^ true ! ! Object subclass: #ScopeVar instanceVariableNames: 'scope name' package: 'Compiler-Semantic'! !ScopeVar commentStamp! I am an entry in a LexicalScope that gets associated with variable nodes of the same name. There are 4 different subclasses of vars: temp vars, local vars, args, and unknown/global vars.! !ScopeVar methodsFor: 'accessing'! alias ^ self name asVariableName ! name ^ name ! name: aString name := aString ! scope ^ scope ! scope: aScope scope := aScope ! ! !ScopeVar methodsFor: 'testing'! isArgVar ^ false ! isClassRefVar ^ false ! isInstanceVar ^ false ! isPseudoVar ^ false ! isTempVar ^ false ! isUnknownVar ^ false ! validateAssignment (self isArgVar or: [ self isPseudoVar ]) ifTrue: [ InvalidAssignmentError new variableName: self name; signal] ! ! !ScopeVar class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! on: aString ^ self new name: aString; yourself ! ! ScopeVar subclass: #AliasVar instanceVariableNames: 'node' package: 'Compiler-Semantic'! !AliasVar commentStamp! I am an internally defined variable by the compiler! !AliasVar methodsFor: 'accessing'! node ^ node ! node: aNode node := aNode ! ! ScopeVar subclass: #ArgVar instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Semantic'! !ArgVar commentStamp! I am an argument of a method or block.! !ArgVar methodsFor: 'testing'! isArgVar ^ true ! ! ScopeVar subclass: #ClassRefVar instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Semantic'! !ClassRefVar commentStamp! I am an class reference variable! !ClassRefVar methodsFor: 'accessing'! alias ^ '(smalltalk.', self name, ' || ', self name, ')' ! ! !ClassRefVar methodsFor: 'testing'! isClassRefVar ^ true ! ! ScopeVar subclass: #InstanceVar instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Semantic'! !InstanceVar commentStamp! I am an instance variable of a method or block.! !InstanceVar methodsFor: 'testing'! alias ^ 'self["@', self name, '"]' ! isInstanceVar ^ true ! ! ScopeVar subclass: #PseudoVar instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Semantic'! !PseudoVar commentStamp! I am an pseudo variable. The five Smalltalk pseudo variables are: 'self', 'super', 'nil', 'true' and 'false'! !PseudoVar methodsFor: 'accessing'! alias ^ self name ! ! !PseudoVar methodsFor: 'testing'! isPseudoVar ^ true ! ! ScopeVar subclass: #TempVar instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Semantic'! !TempVar commentStamp! I am an temporary variable of a method or block.! !TempVar methodsFor: 'testing'! isTempVar ^ true ! ! ScopeVar subclass: #UnknownVar instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Semantic'! !UnknownVar commentStamp! I am an unknown variable. Amber uses unknown variables as JavaScript globals! !UnknownVar methodsFor: 'testing'! isUnknownVar ^ true ! ! NodeVisitor subclass: #SemanticAnalyzer instanceVariableNames: 'currentScope theClass classReferences messageSends' package: 'Compiler-Semantic'! !SemanticAnalyzer commentStamp! I semantically analyze the abstract syntax tree and annotate it with informations such as non local returns and variable scopes.! !SemanticAnalyzer methodsFor: 'accessing'! classReferences ^ classReferences ifNil: [ classReferences := Set new ] ! messageSends ^ messageSends ifNil: [ messageSends := Dictionary new ] ! pseudoVariables ^#('self' 'super' 'true' 'false' 'nil' 'thisContext') ! theClass ^ theClass ! theClass: aClass theClass := aClass ! ! !SemanticAnalyzer methodsFor: 'error handling'! errorShadowingVariable: aString ShadowingVariableError new variableName: aString; signal ! errorUnknownVariable: aNode "Throw an error if the variable is undeclared in the global JS scope (i.e. window)" | notDefined | notDefined := . notDefined ifTrue: [ UnknownVariableError new variableName: aNode value; signal ] ifFalse: [ currentScope methodScope unknownVariables add: aNode value. ] ! ! !SemanticAnalyzer methodsFor: 'factory'! newBlockScope ^ self newScopeOfClass: LexicalScope ! newMethodScope ^ self newScopeOfClass: MethodLexicalScope ! newScopeOfClass: aLexicalScopeClass ^ aLexicalScopeClass new outerScope: currentScope; yourself ! ! !SemanticAnalyzer methodsFor: 'scope'! popScope currentScope ifNotNil: [ currentScope := currentScope outerScope ] ! pushScope: aScope aScope outerScope: currentScope. currentScope := aScope ! validateVariableScope: aString "Validate the variable scope in by doing a recursive lookup, up to the method scope" (currentScope lookupVariable: aString) ifNotNil: [ self errorShadowingVariable: aString ] ! ! !SemanticAnalyzer methodsFor: 'visiting'! visitAssignmentNode: aNode super visitAssignmentNode: aNode. aNode left beAssigned ! visitBlockNode: aNode self pushScope: self newBlockScope. aNode scope: currentScope. currentScope node: aNode. aNode parameters do: [ :each | self validateVariableScope: each. currentScope addArg: each ]. super visitBlockNode: aNode. self popScope ! visitCascadeNode: aNode "Populate the receiver into all children" aNode nodes do: [ :each | each receiver: aNode receiver ]. super visitCascadeNode: aNode. aNode nodes first superSend ifTrue: [ aNode nodes do: [ :each | each superSend: true ]] ! visitClassReferenceNode: aNode self classReferences add: aNode value. aNode binding: (ClassRefVar new name: aNode value; yourself) ! visitMethodNode: aNode self pushScope: self newMethodScope. aNode scope: currentScope. currentScope node: aNode. self theClass allInstanceVariableNames do: [:each | currentScope addIVar: each ]. aNode arguments do: [ :each | self validateVariableScope: each. currentScope addArg: each ]. super visitMethodNode: aNode. aNode classReferences: self classReferences; messageSends: self messageSends keys. self popScope ! visitReturnNode: aNode aNode scope: currentScope. currentScope isMethodScope ifTrue: [ currentScope localReturn: true ] ifFalse: [ currentScope methodScope addNonLocalReturn: currentScope ]. super visitReturnNode: aNode ! visitSendNode: aNode aNode receiver value = 'super' ifTrue: [ aNode superSend: true. aNode receiver value: 'self' ] ifFalse: [ (IRSendInliner inlinedSelectors includes: aNode selector) ifTrue: [ aNode shouldBeInlined: true. aNode receiver isValueNode ifFalse: [ aNode receiver shouldBeAliased: true ] ] ]. self messageSends at: aNode selector ifAbsentPut: [ Set new ]. (self messageSends at: aNode selector) add: aNode. aNode index: (self messageSends at: aNode selector) size. super visitSendNode: aNode ! visitSequenceNode: aNode aNode temps do: [ :each | self validateVariableScope: each. currentScope addTemp: each ]. super visitSequenceNode: aNode ! visitVariableNode: aNode "Bind a ScopeVar to aNode by doing a lookup in the current scope. If no ScopeVar is found, bind a UnknowVar and throw an error" aNode binding: ((currentScope lookupVariable: aNode) ifNil: [ self errorUnknownVariable: aNode. UnknownVar new name: aNode value; yourself ]) ! ! !SemanticAnalyzer class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! on: aClass ^ self new theClass: aClass; yourself ! !