/** * This is a "compiler" for Amber code. * Put the following code into compiler.js: * var amberc = require('amberc'); * var compiler = new amberc.Compiler('path/to/amber'); * var options = amberc.createDefaults(); * // edit options entries * compiler.main(options); */ /** * Helper for concatenating Amber generated AMD modules. * The produced output can be exported and run as an independent program. * * var concatenator = createConcatenator(); * concatenator.start(); // write the required AMD define header * concatenator.add(module1); * concatenator.addId(module1_ID); * //... * concatenator.finish("//some last code"); * var concatenation = concatenator.toString(); * // The variable concatenation contains the concatenated result * // which can either be stored in a file or interpreted with eval(). */ function createConcatenator () { return { elements: [], ids: [], add: function () { this.elements.push.apply(this.elements, arguments); }, addId: function () { this.ids.push.apply(this.ids, arguments); }, forEach: function () { this.elements.forEach.apply(this.elements, arguments); }, start: function () { this.add( 'var define = (' + require('amdefine') + ')(null, function (id) { throw new Error("Dependency not found: " + id); }), requirejs = define.require;', 'define("amber_vm/browser-compatibility", [], {});', 'define("amber/browser-compatibility", [], {});' ); }, finish: function (realWork) { this.add( 'define("amber/_init", ["' + this.ids.join('","') + '"], function (boot) {', 'boot.vm.initialize();', realWork, '});', 'requirejs(["amber/_init"]);' ); }, toString: function () { return this.elements.join('\n'); } }; } var path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'), Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise; /** * AmberCompiler constructor function. * amber_dir: points to the location of an amber installation */ function AmberCompiler(amber_dir) { if (undefined === amber_dir || !fs.existsSync(amber_dir)) { throw new Error('amber_dir needs to be a valid directory'); } this.amber_dir = amber_dir; // Important: in next list, boot MUST be first this.kernel_libraries = ['boot', 'smalltalk', 'globals', 'nil', '_st', 'Kernel-Objects', 'Kernel-Classes', 'Kernel-Methods', 'Kernel-Collections', 'Kernel-Infrastructure', 'Kernel-Exceptions', 'Kernel-Transcript', 'Kernel-Announcements']; this.compiler_libraries = this.kernel_libraries.concat(['parser', 'Kernel-ImportExport', 'Compiler-Exceptions', 'Compiler-Core', 'Compiler-AST', 'Compiler-Exceptions', 'Compiler-IR', 'Compiler-Inlining', 'Compiler-Semantic']); } /** * Default values. */ var createDefaultConfiguration = function() { return { 'load': [], 'main': undefined, 'mainfile': undefined, 'stFiles': [], 'jsFiles': [], 'jsGlobals': [], 'amd_namespace': 'amber_core', 'suffix': '', 'loadsuffix': '', 'suffix_used': '', 'libraries': [], 'jsLibraryDirs': [], 'compile': [], 'compiled': [], 'program': undefined, 'output_dir': undefined, 'verbose': false }; }; /** * Main function for executing the compiler. * If check_configuration_ok() returns successfully * the configuration is used to trigger the following compilation steps. */ AmberCompiler.prototype.main = function(configuration, finished_callback) { console.time('Compile Time'); if (configuration.amd_namespace.length === 0) { configuration.amd_namespace = 'amber_core'; } if (undefined !== configuration.jsLibraryDirs) { configuration.jsLibraryDirs.push(path.join(this.amber_dir, 'src')); configuration.jsLibraryDirs.push(path.join(this.amber_dir, 'support')); configuration.jsLibraryDirs.push(path.join(this.amber_dir, 'support', 'deprecated-vm-files')); } console.ambercLog = console.log; if (false === configuration.verbose) { console.log = function() {}; } // the evaluated compiler will be stored in this variable (see create_compiler) configuration.core = {}; configuration.globals = {}; configuration.kernel_libraries = this.kernel_libraries; configuration.compiler_libraries = this.compiler_libraries; configuration.amber_dir = this.amber_dir; check_configuration(configuration) .then(collect_st_files) .then(collect_js_files) .then(resolve_kernel) .then(create_compiler) .then(compile) .then(category_export) .then(verify) .then(compose_js_files) .then(function () { console.timeEnd('Compile Time'); }, function(error) { console.error(error); }) .then(function () { console.log = console.ambercLog; finished_callback && finished_callback(); }); }; /** * Check if the passed in configuration object has sufficient/nonconflicting values. * Returns a Promise which resolves into the configuration object. */ function check_configuration(configuration) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (undefined === configuration) { reject(Error('AmberCompiler.check_configuration_ok(): missing configuration object')); } if (0 === configuration.jsFiles.length && 0 === configuration.stFiles.length) { reject(Error('AmberCompiler.check_configuration_ok(): no files to compile/link specified in configuration object')); } resolve(configuration); }); }; /** * Check if the file given as parameter exists in any of the following directories: * 1. current local directory * 2. configuration.jsLibraryDirs * 3. $AMBER/src/ * 3. $AMBER/support/ * * @param filename name of a file without '.js' prefix * @param configuration the main amberc configuration object */ function resolve_js(filename, configuration) { var baseName = path.basename(filename, '.js'); var jsFile = baseName + configuration.loadsuffix + '.js'; return resolve_file(jsFile, configuration.jsLibraryDirs); }; /** * Check if the file given as parameter exists in any of the following directories: * 1. current local directory * 2. $AMBER/ * * @param filename name of a .st file * @param configuration the main amberc configuration object */ function resolve_st(filename, configuration) { return resolve_file(filename, [configuration.amber_dir]); }; /** * Resolve the location of a file given as parameter filename. * First check if the file exists at given location, * then check in each of the directories specified in parameter searchDirectories. */ function resolve_file(filename, searchDirectories) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { console.log('Resolving: ' + filename); fs.exists(filename, function(exists) { if (exists) { resolve(filename); } else { var alternativeFile = ''; // check for filename in any of the given searchDirectories var found = searchDirectories.some(function(directory) { alternativeFile = path.join(directory, filename); return fs.existsSync(alternativeFile); }); if (found) { resolve(alternativeFile); } else { reject(Error('File not found: ' + alternativeFile)); } } }); }); }; /** * Resolve st files given by stFiles and add them to configuration.compile. * Returns a Promise which resolves into the configuration object. */ function collect_st_files(configuration) { return Promise.all( configuration.stFiles.map(function(stFile) { return resolve_st(stFile, configuration); }) ) .then(function(data) { configuration.compile = configuration.compile.concat(data); return configuration; }); } /** * Resolve js files given by jsFiles and add them to configuration.libraries. * Returns a Promise which resolves into the configuration object. */ function collect_js_files(configuration) { return Promise.all( configuration.jsFiles.map(function(file) { return resolve_js(file, configuration); }) ) .then(function(data) { configuration.libraries = configuration.libraries.concat(data); return configuration; }); } /** * Resolve .js files needed by kernel. * Returns a Promise which resolves into the configuration object. */ function resolve_kernel(configuration) { var kernel_files = configuration.kernel_libraries.concat(configuration.load); return Promise.all( kernel_files.map(function(file) { return resolve_js(file, configuration); }) ) .then(function(data) { // boot.js and Kernel files need to be used first // otherwise the global objects 'core' and 'globals' are undefined configuration.libraries = data.concat(configuration.libraries); return configuration; }); } /** * Resolve .js files needed by compiler, read and eval() them. * The finished Compiler gets stored in configuration.{core,globals}. * Returns a Promise object which resolves into the configuration object. */ function create_compiler(configuration) { var compiler_files = configuration.compiler_libraries; var include_files = configuration.load; var builder; return Promise.all( compiler_files.map(function(file) { return resolve_js(file, configuration); }) ) .then(function(compilerFilesArray) { return Promise.all( compilerFilesArray.map(function(file) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { console.log('Loading file: ' + file); fs.readFile(file, function(err, data) { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(data); }); }); }) ) }) .then(function(files) { builder = createConcatenator(); builder.add('(function() {'); builder.start(); files.forEach(function(data) { // data is an array where index 0 is the error code and index 1 contains the data builder.add(data); // matches and returns the "module_id" string in the AMD definition: define("module_id", ...) var match = ('' + data).match(/(^|\n)define\("([^"]*)"/); if (match) { builder.addId(match[2]); } }); }) .then(function () { return Promise.all( include_files.map(function(file) { return resolve_js(file, configuration); }) ); }) .then(function(includeFilesArray) { return Promise.all( includeFilesArray.map(function(file) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { console.log('Loading library file: ' + file); fs.readFile(file, function(err, data) { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(data); }); }); }) ) }) .then(function(files) { var loadIds = []; files.forEach(function(data) { // data is an array where index 0 is the error code and index 1 contains the data builder.add(data); // matches and returns the "module_id" string in the AMD definition: define("module_id", ...) var match = ('' + data).match(/^define\("([^"]*)"/); if (match) { loadIds.push(match[1]); } }); //backward compatibility if (builder.ids.indexOf("amber_vm/boot") === -1) { builder.add('define("amber_vm/boot", ["amber/boot"], function (boot) { return boot; });'); } // store the generated smalltalk env in configuration.{core,globals} builder.finish('configuration.core = boot.vm; configuration.globals = boot.globals;'); loadIds.forEach(function (id) { builder.add('requirejs("' + id + '");'); }); builder.add('})();'); eval(builder.toString()); console.log('Compiler loaded'); configuration.globals.ErrorHandler._register_(configuration.globals.RethrowErrorHandler._new()); if(0 !== configuration.jsGlobals.length) { var jsGlobalVariables = configuration.core.globalJsVariables; jsGlobalVariables.push.apply(jsGlobalVariables, configuration.jsGlobals); } return configuration; }); } /** * Compile all given .st files by importing them. * Returns a Promise object that resolves into the configuration object. */ function compile(configuration) { // return function which does the actual work // and use the compile function to reference the configuration object return Promise.all( configuration.compile.map(function(stFile) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (/\.st/.test(stFile)) { console.ambercLog('Reading: ' + stFile); fs.readFile(stFile, 'utf8', function(err, data) { if (!err) resolve(data); else reject(Error('Could not read: ' + stFile)); }); } }); }) ) .then(function(fileContents) { console.log('Compiling collected .st files'); // import/compile content of .st files return Promise.all( fileContents.map(function(code) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var importer = configuration.globals.Importer._new(); try { importer._import_(code._stream()); resolve(true); } catch (ex) { reject(Error("Compiler error in section:\n" + importer._lastSection() + "\n\n" + "while processing chunk:\n" + importer._lastChunk() + "\n\n" + (ex._messageText && ex._messageText() || ex.message || ex)) ); } }); }) ); }) .then(function () { return configuration; }); } /** * Export compiled categories to JavaScript files. * Returns a Promise() that resolves into the configuration object. */ function category_export(configuration) { return Promise.all( configuration.compile.map(function(stFile) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var category = path.basename(stFile, '.st'); var jsFilePath = configuration.output_dir; if (undefined === jsFilePath) { jsFilePath = path.dirname(stFile); } var jsFile = category + configuration.suffix_used + '.js'; jsFile = path.join(jsFilePath, jsFile); configuration.compiled.push(jsFile); var smalltalkGlobals = configuration.globals; var packageObject = smalltalkGlobals.Package._named_(category); packageObject._transport()._namespace_(configuration.amd_namespace); fs.writeFile(jsFile, smalltalkGlobals.String._streamContents_(function (stream) { smalltalkGlobals.AmdExporter._new()._exportPackage_on_(packageObject, stream); }), function(err) { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(true); }); }); }) ) .then(function() { return configuration; }); } /** * Verify if all .st files have been compiled. * Returns a Promise() that resolves into the configuration object. */ function verify(configuration) { console.log('Verifying if all .st files were compiled'); return Promise.all( configuration.compiled.map(function(file) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { fs.exists(file, function(exists) { if (exists) resolve(true); else reject(Error('Compilation failed of: ' + file)); }); }); }) ) .then(function() { return configuration; }); } /** * Synchronous function. * Concatenates compiled JavaScript files into one file in the correct order. * The name of the produced file is given by configuration.program. * Returns a Promise which resolves into the configuration object. */ function compose_js_files(configuration) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var programFile = configuration.program; if (undefined === programFile) { resolve(configuration); return; } if (undefined !== configuration.output_dir) { programFile = path.join(configuration.output_dir, programFile); } var program_files = []; if (0 !== configuration.libraries.length) { console.log('Collecting libraries: ' + configuration.libraries); program_files.push.apply(program_files, configuration.libraries); } if (0 !== configuration.compiled.length) { var compiledFiles = configuration.compiled.slice(0); console.log('Collecting compiled files: ' + compiledFiles); program_files.push.apply(program_files, compiledFiles); } console.ambercLog('Writing program file: %s.js', programFile); var fileStream = fs.createWriteStream(programFile + configuration.suffix_used + '.js'); fileStream.on('error', function(error) { fileStream.end(); console.ambercLog(error); reject(error); }); fileStream.on('close', function(){ resolve(configuration); }); var builder = createConcatenator(); builder.add('#!/usr/bin/env node'); builder.start(); program_files.forEach(function(file) { if(fs.existsSync(file)) { console.log('Adding : ' + file); var buffer = fs.readFileSync(file); // matches and returns the "module_id" string in the AMD define: define("module_id", ...) var match = buffer.toString().match(/(^|\n)define\("([^"]*)"/); if (match /*&& match[1].slice(0,9) !== "amber_vm/"*/) { builder.addId(match[2]); } builder.add(buffer); } else { fileStream.end(); reject(Error('Can not find file ' + file)); } }); //backward compatibility if (builder.ids.indexOf("amber_vm/boot") === -1) { builder.add('define("amber_vm/boot", ["amber/boot"], function (boot) { return boot; });'); } var mainFunctionOrFile = 'var vm = boot.vm, globals = boot.globals;\n'; if (undefined !== configuration.main) { console.log('Adding call to: %s>>main', configuration.main); mainFunctionOrFile += 'globals.' + configuration.main + '._main();'; } if (undefined !== configuration.mainfile && fs.existsSync(configuration.mainfile)) { console.log('Adding main file: ' + configuration.mainfile); mainFunctionOrFile += '\nvar smalltalk = vm; // backward compatibility\n' + fs.readFileSync(configuration.mainfile); } builder.finish(mainFunctionOrFile); console.log('Writing...'); builder.forEach(function (element) { fileStream.write(element); fileStream.write('\n'); }); console.log('Done.'); fileStream.end(); }); } module.exports.Compiler = AmberCompiler; module.exports.createDefaultConfiguration = createDefaultConfiguration;