??th ??? 20?? - Release 0.12.3 =================================== Highlights: * JQuery updated to ~1.10.2; jquery-ui updated to match * Subclasses of `nil` can be created * Several fixes for IE8 * amber.js can be loaded asynchronously (it must have an id 'amber-path-mapper' in that case) * CodeMirror updated to ~3.20.0 Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.2...0.12.3 Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?milestone=__&state=closed For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt. 03rd December 2013 - Release 0.12.2 =================================== Highlights: * Loading Amber in nested pages now possible (via additional `data-libs` attribute of the `