/* Amber package loading. Load this script as well as require.js (works in any order; either defines 'require', thus passing config, if loaded prior require.js; or calls require.config, if loaded post require.js). Usage example: require(['amber/devel'], function(smalltalk) { smallralk.initialize(); smalltalk.Browser._open(); }); For detailed explanation of amber loading, see: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/wiki/How-to-load-amber */ var require; require = function (require) { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); var src = scripts[ scripts.length - 1 ].src; var home = resolveViaDOM(src).replace(/\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+$/, ""); function resolveViaDOM(url) { var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = url; return a.href; } var config = { paths: { 'amber': home+'/support', 'amber_vm': home+'/support', 'amber_css': home+'/css', 'amber_lib': home+'/support', 'amber_core': home+'/js', 'amber_core/_source': home+'/st', 'jquery': home+'/support/jQuery/jquery-1.8.2.min', 'jquery-ui': home+'/support/jQuery/jquery-ui-1.8.24.custom.min' }, map: { '*': { 'css': 'amber_lib/requirejs/require-css-0.0.6/css' } }, shim: { 'jquery-ui': { deps: [ 'jquery' ] }, 'amber_lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap': { deps: [ 'css!amber_lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap' ] }, 'amber_lib/CodeMirror/codemirror': { deps: [ 'css!amber_lib/CodeMirror/codemirror' ] }, 'amber_lib/jQuery/jquery.textarea': { deps: [ 'jquery', 'jquery-ui' ] }, 'amber_lib/CodeMirror/smalltalk': { deps: [ './codemirror' ] }, 'amber_lib/CodeMirror/addon/hint/show-hint': { deps: [ '../../codemirror' ] }, 'ensure-console': { exports: 'console' } } }; // This is to allow both alternatives of loading: // before require.js as well as after require.js // See http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#config for details // of usage of 'require' global to allow to pre-define configuration // before require.js is loaded. if (require) { require.config(config); return require; } else { return config; } }(require);