1. ?? March 2017 - Release 0.19.0
  2. ===================================
  3. * Removed BehaviorBody in favour of traits TBehaviorDefaults and TBehaviorProvider.
  4. * Move Thenable class to TThenable trait.
  5. Commits: https://lolg.it/amber/amber/commits/0.19.0.
  6. 22 February 2017 - Release 0.18.3
  7. ===================================
  8. * Traits, with a few limitations and incomplete IDE support.
  9. * Methods / classes / traits are recompiled when moved (fix #1142, #1170).
  10. Commits: https://lolg.it/amber/amber/commits/0.18.3.
  11. 1 January 2017 - Release 0.18.2
  12. ===================================
  13. * DOM-related stuff in own package (not loaded by default, use imports:).
  14. * Accompanying libs updated and semver-bumped: Web, Domite, Helios-* and IDE.
  15. * Silk is high-level enough so no bump neither b/c of inlineJS: nor b/c of DOM stuff needed.
  16. * Wrapper-JQuery bump postponed.
  17. Commits: https://lolg.it/amber/amber/commits/0.18.2.
  18. 21 November 2016 - Release 0.18.1
  19. ===================================
  20. * Parser fails fast on mistyped inlineJS: form.
  21. * Previously, it treated it as legacy form.
  22. Commits: https://lolg.it/amber/amber/commits/0.18.1.
  23. 5 November 2016 - Release 0.18.0
  24. ===================================
  25. * Remove some old internal pieces.
  26. * Allow new syntax for inline JS method body: <inlineJS: '...js code...'>
  27. * If used in libraries / reused modules, breaks fw compat.
  28. * Old syntax is deprecated, but retained in libraries for some grace period.
  29. May break bw compat because of removed internal pieces.
  30. Commits: https://lolg.it/amber/amber/commits/0.18.0.
  31. 19 October 2016 - Release 0.17.0
  32. ===================================
  33. * Remove some deprecated classes and methods.
  34. * Fix fw compat break of 0.16.1.
  35. Breaks bw compat because of removed deprecated pieces.
  36. Commits: https://lolg.it/amber/amber/commits/0.17.0.
  37. 27 September 2016 - Release 0.16.1
  38. ===================================
  39. * Fix node builds (lazy loaded kernel-runtime wasn't packaged).
  40. * amber-dev upgrade (to fix UMDs checking for module before define).
  41. * Kernel files use 'use strict'.
  42. <del>Breaks fw compat (uses $boot.nilAsClass in supersends)</del>.
  43. Commits: https://lolg.it/amber/amber/commits/0.16.1.
  44. 25 September 2016 - Release 0.16.0
  45. ===================================
  46. * boot.js overhaul:
  47. * brikz external, reworked to less imperative (no ensure call).
  48. * addClass returns the class.
  49. * no wrapClassName, using setClassConstructor in later stage.
  50. * traverseClassTree (eg allSubclassesDo:) in kernel, not allSubclasses.
  51. * runtime part extracted to kernel-runtime.js.
  52. * runtime loaded lazily, packages can load without runtime in.
  53. * initialize returns a Promise.
  54. * init done automatically upon class creation if runtime is active.
  55. * amber-dev upgrade (to honour initialize returning a Promise).
  56. * Edits relating to lolg.it move.
  57. * Fixes.
  58. May break bw compat for kernel API using code.
  59. Commits: https://lolg.it/amber/amber/commits/0.16.0.
  60. 6 February 2016 - Release 0.15.1
  61. ===================================
  62. * From this version on, Amber will fully comply to semver:
  63. * Any breaking change will result in increase of first non-zero number.
  64. * If first non-zero number is not changed, no breaking changes are present in release.
  65. * Changed how ST globals are implemented, resulting in shorter and faster code.
  66. * Not working any more on IE8 (b/c of changed globals).
  67. * amber.initialize(...) returns a promise.
  68. * JS global Promise must be present.
  69. * If missing, you can polyfill with `bower install amber-compat-es2015 --save`.
  70. * JS Promise is wrapped in ST class Promise.
  71. * Accompanying libs updated and semver-bumped:
  72. * Wrapper-JQuery, Web, Domite, Silk, IDE, Helios-*.
  73. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.18...0.15.1.
  74. 1 January 2016 - Release 0.14.18
  75. ===================================
  76. Maintenance release.
  77. Cleaning the code in compiler and parser.
  78. Some bug fixes (in compiler/interpreter as well as in other places).
  79. Breaks fw compat (uses $boot.dnu in supercall).
  80. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.17...0.14.18
  81. 6 October 2015 - Release 0.14.17
  82. ===================================
  83. Maintenance release.
  84. Some fixes, optimizations and moving things around.
  85. Using virtual module "amber/Platform". This needs to be mapped
  86. to either "amber_core/Platform-Browser" or "amber_core/Platform-Node".
  87. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.16...0.14.17
  88. 20 June 2015 - Release 0.14.16
  89. ===================================
  90. Bugfix release - Date >> =, Class >> javascriptConstructor:.
  91. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.15...0.14.16
  92. 9 June 2015 - Release 0.14.15
  93. ===================================
  94. Bugfix release - in some browsers, package commit failed.
  95. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.14...0.14.15
  96. 24 May 2015 - Release 0.14.14
  97. ===================================
  98. Highlights:
  99. * Extraction of `Web` and `Wrappers-JQuery` to own repos.
  100. * Amber core itself formally with no production dependencies.
  101. * Packages with 'use strict'.
  102. * `PlatformInterface` replaced by services `Terminal` and `Platform`.
  103. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.13...0.14.14
  104. 29 March 2015 - Release 0.14.13
  105. ===================================
  106. Highlights:
  107. * Rename namespaces of `Web` and `Wrappers-JQuery`.
  108. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.12...0.14.13
  109. 22 February 2015 - Release 0.14.12
  110. ===================================
  111. Highlights:
  112. * Wrapped JS object can be put on streams via aStream << anObject.
  113. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.11...0.14.12
  114. 21 February 2015 - Release 0.14.11
  115. ===================================
  116. Highlights:
  117. * `anObject in: aBlock` added
  118. * ProtoStream with extracted basic streaming protocol.
  119. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.10...0.14.11
  120. 17 February 2015 - Release 0.14.10
  121. ===================================
  122. Highlights:
  123. * Package renames, classes moved between packages:
  124. * Web and Wrappers-JQuery in amber-contrib-xxx namespaces,
  125. * Platform-Xxx packages to keep Kernel-Xxx to kernel.
  126. * Some core speedups.
  127. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.4...0.14.10
  128. 1 February 2015 - Release 0.14.4
  129. ===================================
  130. Highlights:
  131. * Compiler now allows the "import them as package-global vars" of 0.14.3.
  132. * Some core speedups.
  133. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.3...0.14.4
  134. 20 January 2015 - Release 0.14.3
  135. ===================================
  136. Highlights:
  137. * Package can specify external dependencies and import them as package-global vars.
  138. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.2...0.14.3
  139. Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?q=milestone%3A0.14.3+is%3Aclosed
  140. For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
  141. 11 January 2015 - Release 0.14.2
  142. ===================================
  143. Highlights:
  144. * Slimmed core - es5-shim and IE8 compatibilty tweaks in amber-compat-* repos.
  145. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.1...0.14.2
  146. For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
  147. 8 January 2015 - Release 0.14.1
  148. ===================================
  149. Highlights:
  150. * Slimmed core - legacy IDE, Examples and Benchfib in own repo.
  151. * Smalltalk optOut: used instead allowJavaScriptCalls to make jQuery work.
  152. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.0...0.14.1
  153. For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
  154. 1 January 2015 - Release 0.14.0
  155. ===================================
  156. Highlights:
  157. * Removed deprecated stuff and backward compatibility support code.
  158. * You can wrap any object using #asJQuery.
  159. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.13.2...0.14.0
  160. Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3A0.14.0
  161. For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
  162. 31 December 2014 - Release 0.13.3
  163. ===================================
  164. This is a planned maintenance release.
  165. It contains everything 0.14.0 contains,
  166. but it retains all the backwards compatibility stuff,
  167. which is going to be removed in 0.14.0.
  168. 22 October 2014 - Release 0.13.2
  169. ===================================
  170. This is maintenance release to upgrade CodeMirror
  171. jointly in Amber and Helios.
  172. Highlights:
  173. * CodeMirror upgrade for Amber and Helios.
  174. * Cleaned of all (as far as findable) uses of deprecated code.
  175. * Recompile using `grunt` in Windows now does not add cr characters.
  176. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.13.0...0.13.2
  177. For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
  178. 10 October 2014 - Release 0.13.1
  179. ===================================
  180. Highlights:
  181. * Reworked cleaner DNU handling in core.
  182. * `amber init` fully embraced as the way to create new project.
  183. * Helios IDE is extracted and is now a project on its own.
  184. * It is included as dev-dependency in any new project by default.
  185. * Movable data out of index.html:
  186. * list of production packages in deploy.js;
  187. * list of development packages in devel.js;
  188. * project amd mappings in local.amd.json;
  189. * libraries' amd mappings in lib_directory.amd.json.
  190. * 'Batteries included' deployment via `grunt deploy`.
  191. * 0.13.1 because of technical issues w/ 0.13.0 release process.
  192. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.6...0.13.0
  193. Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3A0.13.0
  194. For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
  195. 1 July 2014 - Release 0.12.6
  196. ===================================
  197. Highlights:
  198. * SUnit Runner in Helios IDE.
  199. * `amber` and `amberc` cli moved to `external` directory
  200. and to dedicated npm package.
  201. * Bootstrap 3 can be used in Amber projects
  202. (no more nameclash with Helios' bootstrap 2 using bootstrap2.3.2 name).
  203. * Wider range of jQuery versions allowed.
  204. * Amber now parses `$c` character literal.
  205. * `amber` is not to be installed globally any more.
  206. Instead, `npm install -g amber-cli` installs cli tooling.
  207. * After installing the cli tooling, `amber init` initializes
  208. new project if run in empty directory.
  209. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.4...0.12.6
  210. Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?milestone=13&state=closed
  211. For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
  212. 11 April 2014 - Release 0.12.4
  213. ===================================
  214. Highlights:
  215. * Fixed backward compatibility for pre-0.12.3 loader syntax.
  216. * `namespace/_source` is not needed to map and is recommended
  217. not to use; `.st` files are by default committed to the `.js` location.
  218. * All sources, including js files into the src/ directory
  219. * Many improvements in Helios, especially in its debugger and
  220. inspector, as well as UI-related improvements
  221. * New Helios dark theme by @BenjaminVanRyseghem
  222. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.3...0.12.4
  223. Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?milestone=12&state=closed
  224. For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
  225. 22 January 2014 - Release 0.12.3
  226. ===================================
  227. Highlights:
  228. * JQuery updated to ~1.10.2; jquery-ui updated to match
  229. * Subclasses of `nil` can be created
  230. * Several fixes for IE8
  231. * amber.js can be loaded asynchronously (it must
  232. have an id 'amber-path-mapper' in that case)
  233. * CodeMirror updated to ~3.20.0
  234. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.2...0.12.3
  235. Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?milestone=11&state=closed
  236. For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
  237. 3 December 2013 - Release 0.12.2
  238. ===================================
  239. Highlights:
  240. * Loading Amber in nested pages now possible (via additional `data-libs` attribute of the `<script>` tag which loads `amber.js`)
  241. * IDE related fixes
  242. * Contributions Guide
  243. * Improved Collections
  244. * Amber Server responds with `not found` instead of `internal server error` if `index.html` could not be found
  245. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.1...0.12.2
  246. Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?milestone=10&state=closed
  247. For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
  248. 14 November 2013 - Release 0.12.1
  249. ===================================
  250. Fixes a bug in Helios preventing class definitions from being compiled
  251. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.12.0...0.12.1
  252. Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?milestone=9&state=closed
  253. 11 November 2013 - Release 0.12.0
  254. ===================================
  255. After 3 months of work we are pleased to announce the 0.12.0 release of Amber.
  256. Besides the usual bug fixes a lot of new features have emerged.
  257. The biggest change is the switch to RequireJS to specify Amber package dependencies
  258. and for loading the packages as AMD modules.
  259. Amber is now additionally available as Bower [2] component.
  260. Bower is also used to manage required JavaScript libraries which don't have to be kept
  261. around in the repository anymore.
  262. The repository layout was restructured to provide a cleaner separation of different Amber parts:
  263. * Smalltalk code is located in 'st'
  264. * Compiled Amber packages are located in 'js'
  265. * Supporting JavaScript code is located in 'support'
  266. Together with the RequireJS changes the specifying their dependencies the Brickz [3]
  267. reconfigurable micro composition system was introduced.
  268. This is used for
  269. On the Smalltalk side support has been added for writing exponential numbers of the form 2e5.
  270. Helios (the new IDE) is progressing nicely and has seen a lot of improvements.
  271. One of the great parts is the new stepping debugger which is also making progress.
  272. To try Helios, open the helios.html page or
  273. evaluate in any other amber page `require('amber/helpers').popupHelios()`.
  274. The last enhancements target the commandline compiler which can be used as
  275. `amberc` (an executable script) or as a Grunt task.
  276. The following features have been added:
  277. * generation of shebang line (#!/usr/bin/env node)
  278. * specification of target namespace (`-n` flag; `amd_namespace` option in Grunt)
  279. * specification of additional library directories (`-L` flag; `library_dirs` option in Grunt)
  280. The following features have been removed:
  281. * creation of *.deploy.js files (`-d` flag; `deploy` option in Grunt)
  282. * optimization passes via Closure compiler (`-o`/`-O` flags; `closure_jar` option in Grunt)
  283. The same behavior can be achieved by using specific Grunt tasks
  284. Additionally, the Grunt task now handles the -v/--verbose flag which triggers the same behavior
  285. as the `verbose` option which can be specified in the Gruntfile.
  286. Some numbers about this release (starting from 0.11.0):
  287. * 660 commits
  288. * 10 committers
  289. * 66 unit tests added
  290. * 152 issues were closed
  291. * 379 unit tests in total
  292. Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.11.0...0.12.0
  293. Issues: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?direction=desc&milestone=8&page=1&sort=updated&state=closed
  294. For the most important API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
  295. * Installing Amber from NPM
  296. To install Amber from NPM, run
  297. npm install amber
  298. * Installing Amber from Bower
  299. To install Amber from Bower, run
  300. bower install amber
  301. * Migration from Amber 0.11.0
  302. First, the loading of JavaScript files must be adapted. The custom loader has been replaced with
  303. requirejs for loading files in the browser. New loader code is thouroughly
  304. explained in [4].
  305. After updating the loader part, `.st` files need to be recompiled
  306. into new AMD `.js` files. During loader changes, a namespace was choosen and will be needed for recompilation.
  307. Go to your directory with `.st` files and issue this from the shell:
  308. ```sh
  309. <path-to-amber>/bin/amberc -l SUnit,Canvas -n <chosen-namespace> -D <path-for-compiled-js-files> *.st
  310. ```
  311. In windows, use `\` as path separator, the rest is identical.
  312. The `-l SUnit,Canvas` is just a general guess, if your code depends on more (or less) non-kernel packages from amber, list them here accordingly.
  313. This migrate scenario only covers simple deployments with your project's code and amber.
  314. If your project is more complicated, using libraries and packages from multiple sources,
  315. it is hard to give general advices to migrate - you must do it library by library,
  316. giving each location its own namespace, and `-L` option of `amberc`
  317. comes handy when integrating; ask on the mailing list if problems arise.
  318. [1] http://requirejs.org/
  319. [2] http://bower.io/
  320. [3] https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/brikz
  321. [4] https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/wiki/How-to-load-amber
  322. 9 July 2013 - Release 0.11.0
  323. ===============================
  324. Three months have passed and we are happy to announce the release
  325. of Amber 0.11.0!
  326. Some numbers about this release:
  327. * 494 commits
  328. * 13 committers
  329. * increasing the number of core committers to 25
  330. * 50 unit tests added to the kernel
  331. * 313 unit tests in total
  332. Since the last release 60 issues were closed, bringing us to 499
  333. issues closed.
  334. This release includes a lot of bug fixes, improvements to the
  335. CLI, as well as a preview of the next IDE, named Helios. Amber
  336. now also uses a CI server [1].
  337. To try the Helios, the new IDE, open the helios.html page, or
  338. evaluate in any other amber page `amber.loadHelios()`.
  339. The compiler also received some improvements, especially
  340. regarding message send optimisations and super sends.
  341. Here's the list of commits and closed issues:
  342. https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.10.0...0.11.0
  343. https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?direction=desc&milestone=6&page=1&sort=updated&state=closed
  344. There is a lot more to come with Helios, a stepping debugger
  345. based on the AST is in progress and currently in the 'debugger'
  346. branch on GitHub.
  347. * Installing Amber from NPM
  348. To install amber from NPM, run
  349. npm install amber
  350. * Migration from Amber 0.10.0
  351. Amber compiled code should be compatible with Amber 0.10.0, but
  352. recompiling is needed in order to get contexts working:
  353. Compiler new recompile: (Package named: 'MyPackage') classes.
  354. (Package named: 'MyPackage') commit
  355. For API related changes see the file API-CHANGES.txt.
  356. 13 March 2013 - Release 0.10.0
  357. ================================
  358. Here's a summary of change since the 0.9.1 release:
  359. - Travis CI jobs
  360. - Almost 300 issues closed
  361. - 150 new unit tests written
  362. - All classes in the Kernel are documented
  363. - New and much improved compiler toolchain, providing:
  364. - Semantic analysis
  365. - AST Node annotation
  366. - Intermediate representation (easier to optimize)
  367. - Better inlining
  368. - an AST interpreter
  369. - support for blocks contexts
  370. - New build system based on grunt.js, replacing the old makefiles
  371. - New bin/amberc compiler written in Amber/Node.js
  372. - SUnit improvements and cleanup, with support for async assertions
  373. - Improved ClassBuilder with better class migration support
  374. - Improved loader for third party packages
  375. - New: Announcements
  376. - Classes can be augmented by light-weight methods created from blocks
  377. - Snippets of HTML can be marked to become virtual tags in HTMLCanvas
  378. - Amber server supports Basic HTTP authentication (not recommended for production environments/unencrypted connections)
  379. - New IDE on it's way for Amber 1.0
  380. 16 January 2012 - Release 0.9.1
  381. =================================
  382. Here's a summary of changes since the 0.9 release:
  383. - 80 new unit tests written
  384. - 52 issues fixed
  385. - All classes in Kernel-Objects, Kernel-Classes and Kernel-Methods has been documented
  386. - New documentation framework (see http://amber-lang.net/documentation.html)
  387. - Better class organisations, "Kernel" package split into several packages
  388. - First class packages have replaced class categories
  389. - Internet Explorer 7+ compatibility
  390. - New Announcement framework ported from Pharo
  391. - New console-based REPL written in Amber using node.js
  392. - Symbol class implemented together with object identity and #==
  393. - New OrderedCollection and Set implementation
  394. - Dictionary can now have any kind of object as keys. String-key dictionary has been renamed HashedCollection
  395. - New TwitterWall example
  396. - Improved HTML Canvas, now compatible with IE7
  397. - Improved JSObjectProxy for seamless JavaScript objects access from Amber
  398. - No more jQuery binding. Amber is fully capable of sending messages to JavaScript objects
  399. 13 September 2011 - Release 0.9
  400. =================================
  401. Amber has been evolving furiously since the presentation at ESUG 2011 in Edinburgh less than 3 weeks ago.
  402. This is a summary:
  403. Language, compiler and runtime
  404. - New 100x faster parser built using PEGjs instead of the old parser built using PetitParser.
  405. - New much faster ChunkParser implementation in handwritten Amber instead of using PetitParser.
  406. - Improved parsing error report with quoted source code plus marker pinpointing parsing error.
  407. - Removed PetitParser since it is no longer needed by Amber itself.
  408. - Added compiler optimizations in the form of speculative inlining of specific messages and control structures.
  409. - Added support for dynamic Arrays, just like in Squeak/Pharo.
  410. - Added support for similar dynamic Dictionaries, not seen in other Smalltalks.
  411. - Added & and | as allowed binary selectors and implemented them in Boolean.
  412. - Added a Set implementation.
  413. - Added first basic support for real Packages with dependency information.
  414. ...and various extensions, enhancements and bug fixes to the library classes.
  415. Development environment
  416. - A working Debugger with integrated inspector, proceed etc.
  417. - A new structure with
  418. - A working amberc command line compiler including a Makefile for recompiling the whole Amber.
  419. - Enabled TestRunner in the IDE for running unit tests based on SUnit.
  420. - Added "File in" button in Workspace to easily paste and filein source code in chunk format in the IDE.
  421. Example code and ports
  422. - Ported ProfStef interactive tutorial, available on Amber homepage but also in examples directory.
  423. - Included the ESUG presentation as an example also in the examples directory.
  424. - Several new examples running on Node.js and webOS included, all with Makefiles.
  425. Various other things
  426. - Issue tracker on github now used as primary source, closed a bunch of reported issues.
  427. - Wiki pages on github with information on how to port code from other Smalltalks, lists of articles, tutorials, roadmap and more.