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Herbert Vojčík 392d117439 0.3.1 7 years ago
src 9faf8f9ab6 Fix gruntfile, finish bumping to >=0.20.0. 7 years ago
.gitignore 084a65a91b Initial commit. Extracted from Trapped. 10 years ago
Gruntfile.js 9faf8f9ab6 Fix gruntfile, finish bumping to >=0.20.0. 7 years ago
LICENSE-MIT 084a65a91b Initial commit. Extracted from Trapped. 10 years ago ff6f7c8a5d Axolator. 7 years ago
bower.json 3fd87a5621 Bump amber to >=0.20.0. 7 years ago
deploy.js ef91544d33 Shape into Axxord, step 2. 7 years ago
devel.js e67e5b041d Move to amber 0.19.1. 7 years ago
index.html ef91544d33 Shape into Axxord, step 2. 7 years ago
local.amd.json ef91544d33 Shape into Axxord, step 2. 7 years ago
package.json 392d117439 0.3.1 7 years ago
testing.js e227741785 Shape into Axxord, step 3. 7 years ago


Small blackboard system for Amber Smalltalk.


Axon is a pub-sub system used in Axxord. It is fully generic, so it can be used for other purposes as well, without using the rest of the library.

It consists of two components: Axon abstract base class (and its implemenetation SimpleAxon), which are subscription managers; and AxonInterest abstract base class (and its pluggable implementation PluggableInterest) that represent the actual subscription.

You can create an axon, like in axon := SimpleAxon new. Then, you will add some interests in an aspect, as in axon addInterest: (PluggableInterest new accept: [:aspect | aspect = #amount] enact: [Transcript show: 'Amount is '; show: aThing amount; cr]). It is not prescribed what an aspect can be, or an aspect of what it is. It is used only to distinguish whether the change is related to the interest or not (as in previous example, one is interested in changes of #amount).

Whenever the change in some aspect happens for the object axon is watching, axon should be let known, using axon changed: #amount. You can also tell an axon that everything has changed, using axon changedAll. Axon then makes related interests enact, eventually (it may or may not happen immediately in the same thread, so enact should actually check if it is still interesting when it takes its turn).

There is no removeInterest:. The interest removes itself by signalling, as in PluggableInterest accept: [:aspect | aspect = #enabled] enact: [aThing isEnabled ifTrue: [Transcript show: 'still alive'; cr] ifFalse: [AxonOff signal]].

Axon and friends are all in their dedicated Axxord-Axon category / package.


Axes is hierarchical index used to access blackboard data.

Axes is an array of elements: either strings, numbers or a sub-arrays. These are used to denote the (relative) location of a piece of data in a hierarchical object, and is used to read or write from / to this position.

Elements of a path are equivalent to elements of paths in classic file systems: each elements is one step deeper in a tree hierarchy. Thus, to read a data denoted by a path, Axes starts from actual position, reads the contents denoted by first element, use the result to read the contents denoted by second elements etc. until the end. To write the data, the algorithm is similar to reading one, byt the last element is used to write the data instead.

  • if string path element is read from foo, foo at: aString is performed;
  • if string path element is written to foo, foo at: aString put: value is performed;
  • if number path element is read from foo, foo at: aNumber is performed;
  • if number path element is written to foo, foo at: aNumber put: value is performed;
  • if subarray path element #(bar) is read from foo, foo bar is performed;
  • if subarray path element #(bar) is written to foo, foo bar: value is performed.

For example reading container at axes #((todos) 1 done) essentially does

| x |
x := container todos at: 1.
^ x at: 'done'

But, whenever:

  • container fails to perform todos, or
  • container todos fails to perform at:ifAbsent:, or
  • container todos does not contain index 1, or
  • container todos at: 1 fails to perform at:ifAbsent:, or
  • container todos at: 1 does not contain index 'done',

the "failed to get" fallback is taken.

Similarly, putting true into container at axes: #((todos) 1 done) essentially does

| x |
x := container todos at: 1.
^ x at: 'done' put: true

But, whenever:

  • container fails to perform todos, or
  • container todos fails to perform at:ifAbsent:, or
  • container todos does not contain index 1, or
  • container todos at: 1 fails to do at:put:,

the "failed to put" fallback is taken.

Axes class can parse a string representation of axes. The syntax of the string representation is resembling Smalltalk literal array syntax very closely. For example Axes parse: '(value)' and Axes parse: '(todos) 1 done' produce #((value)) and #((todos) 1 done) as results.

Syntactic sugar: as (foo) happens often, to denote unary selector, it can be written equivalently as ~foo, to improve readability. So above Axes' parseable string representation would likely be written '~value' and '~todos 1 done' instead.


Axxord is a blackboard-like system using Axon and friends to observe the object of interest, using axes as an aspect, and coming with a few helpers included.

You create the model you want to observe as plain Smalltalk object (wrapped JavaScript object should work, too). Then create an axon: axon := SimpleAxon new and assign it to the object of interest: model axxord: axon.

The clients of the model should access it via the axxord extension methods axes:consume: and axes:transform:. To read an aspect and enact on the result, use model axes: #((value)) consume: [:counter | ...]; to change the aspect, use model axes: #((todos) 1 done) transform: [:done | done not]. The latter automatically informs the axon after the change is made.

There are convenience methods to create the axes-related interests. To create an interest on an aspect only, but not its sub-contents, use Axes newInterestUpTo: #(left (amount)) doing: [...]. This would react to axon changed: #(left) as well as axon changed: #(left (amount)), but not to axon changed :#(left (amount) (description)). On the contrary, an interest created by Axes newInterestThru: #(left (amount)) doing: [...] would react to axon changed :#(left (amount) (description)) as well, but none of them would react to unrelated axon changed: #(left (name)); as shown in the following table

axon changed: newInterestUpTo: #(left (amount)) newInterestThru: #(left (amount))
#(left) enacts enacts
#(left (amount)) enacts enacts
#(left (amount) (desc)) passes enacts
#(left (name)) passes passes


There is a helper class that allows you to isolate reads/writes done by axes:consume: and axes:transform: from each other. Instead of using model := MyModel new instance directly, use model := Axolator on: MyModel new instead. It wraps the instance you pass to on: so that axes:consume: always gets deepCopy of the value (so you it can be modified but version in the blackboard stays unmodified) and the result written back to blackboard by axes:transform: is sent deepCopy as well (so if value passed to axes:transform: is saved and modified later, it does not alter the blackboard).