No Description

Herbert Vojčík 03d3fca1be jQuery used in nonminified version 9 years ago
resources 2c114b8e67 Merge pull request #1031 from herby/helios-librarifying 10 years ago
src a598101364 Recompiled 9 years ago
.gitignore 747baa6ebd Add .gitignore 9 years ago
Gruntfile.js 644f159ff0 using grunt amdconfig to produce config.js 9 years ago
LICENSE-MIT 1654557e93 Add package.json and Gruntfile. 9 years ago fb82b88453 Instructions for contribution 9 years ago
bootstrap2.3.2.amd.json a12cc9b90d Added .amd.json files 10 years ago
bower.json 721f6369ed Release version 0.1.2. 9 years ago
index.html 9b046a2842 helios getting right requirejs path 9 years ago
index.js ec28b4050e Loading of Helios with qs-passed baseUrl 9 years ago
jquery-ui.amd.json d597eda127 Incorporated changes from a0d74fd. 9 years ago
jquery.amd.json 03d3fca1be jQuery used in nonminified version 9 years ago
local.amd.json 01467e5144 Changes needed because of #1031. 10 years ago
package.json 721f6369ed Release version 0.1.2. 9 years ago
requirejs.amd.json fdf0190e0d hack to find requirejs in old environment as well 9 years ago
set.js 04fd496afd jquery-tabby is never used 9 years ago
showdown.amd.json a12cc9b90d Added .amd.json files 10 years ago


Helios IDE for Amber Smalltalk

How to contribute

There are two ways how to contribute. In both way you need to fork this repo first.

First way is by cloning your fork and setting it up (have node and npm installed, have bower, grunt-cli and amber-cli npm packages installed globally, then run npm install and bower install in the project directory, after what you can go the classical Amber project way of running amber serve from CLI and go to http://localhost:4000/ in the browser). This way you can only contribute to Helios itself.

As Helios is still coupled with Amber, you need occasionally make change to Amber itself, not just to Helios code. Thus, recommended way is to fork and clone Amber repository itself for development (see, "Setup your Amber clone" part and use your own fork in the "clone Helios" step). This allows you to develop Amber itself, amber-cli and Helios at once.